System error. "the code execution cannot proceed because was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." I am helping someone troubleshoot, who of course does not know how to fix this problem or have a willingness to post to forums to ask communities. This error pops up when using the DayZ launcher and trying to join a server.

There is an error code generated by the DayZ launcher, but it redirects to a crash report for the developers to log. No advice I have found outside of convoluted instructions in forum posts with no follow up.

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I have a codelock on a door, and while I have the option to "open locked door" I can't remove the lock because it tells me invalid code. I am very certain that I am using the correct code, but it still says "invalid code" when I try. I deleted the ****** and put in the code, and still...

The problem is, my code doesn't work for my buddies. It tells them invalid code also. I know it is correct. My buddies can't open the door and use the base. I don't know what to do so my buddies can share my base!

We found an intruder in our base. Guy was not geared helping himself to are stash. No damage to any walls so def a glitcher. Thing is all our code locks are changed. How? He had little to no gear on him and there was no damage to any part of the base.

Having "// = 2" might cause you problems since "//" is used to comment out code. Though I'm not sure why you even included those enumeration defines at the header, since you're not using them in the config.

Hello community! Most of you are most likely going to hate me for proposing this idea, but I'm suggesting that we remove the 'memorization' function from the code-locks. Instead, having the lock require the code to be entered every single time.

Right now, if you've entered the code once, you'll be able to open the gate that they are on with the click of a button.

Quite convenient, I agree, but it comes with a few issues, which I will address (as well as how suggestion benefits it) below.

Gate Stacking |

People are able to place gates behind one another, and although this is not an issue in and of itself, it can get quite overpowered. Especially, if you take in account the fact that it takes 9 minutes for the lock to be broken open, but only the click of a button for the owner to open. If the code is required each time, instead of only once, it'll make having a lot of gates in a row a bit more fair for both parties, because base owners will need to enter the code for each gate they want to open.

Not remembering the code |

Yesterday, my group and I had a little so called 'Bruh moment' when we attacked a camp, the name of which is not important right now. After we had initiated on said camp, and took some of its residents hostage, we decided to ask them for the codes to the gate. The problem here was that these people were able to open the gate, but unable to tell us the code, because they had not written the code down, or did not have access to see the codes and were most likely only told once. They handled it pretty well by explaining it to us by telling us they were only able to open the gate by muscle-memory, but it was still a 'bruh moment' regardless, as it made no sense ICly. If the code is required each time, instead of only once, people will have to actually remember or write the code down somewhere, and 'bruh moments' like these would not occur.

Rolepla PVP Advantage |

Although I have not experienced it myself, I can see how being able to open these gates with the click of a button can have a huge advantage in PVP. In a Roleplayer-VS-Roleplayer combat scenario these gates can give a huge advantage, as the owners of said gate can open it with the click of a button. They can go in and out within seconds, whilst the attackers would have to expose themselves for 9 minutes to get in. If the code is required each time, instead of only once, owners of the base would also have to expose themselves in order to get behind their 9 minutes of safety, making it more fair for both sides.

Having to enter the combo each time is fine, like normal locks you can change the code if need-be. I prefer the code-locks for the same reasons as Zanaan, so that my combo's aren't broadcast all over the place. I do agree that it can give an unfair advantage in a combat scenario as well.

I do not agree, sure it takes 9 minutes to hacksaw through it. But take in consideration the base you're trying to enter took much longer than 9 minutes to create. 

Edit: Surely the not remembering the code can be imprented as many other things, thumb prints and such.

As someone who avidly stea-... I mean acquires goods from others bases, just like said before me. The amount of time it takes to gather all of the resources we steal is no comparison. Half the time I can just find a way to jump in and then make a hole for my friends. Just one full fence takes, 1-2 minutes to place the fence kit, gathering of the logs (2 min), digging up the posts 1-2 min, then the gathering of planks & nails (could be hours for nails as they are pretty rare, and a few minutes for the tree cutting then sawing the logs), then 1-2 minutes for each section of the wall (4 sections), then the placing of the metal wire another 1-2, and then the code lock. Do the math if you so chose to.. It takes 5 minutes to break in if its a vanilla lock & 9 for the new codelock mod. Again I say this as someone who participates in raiding quite often, the base owners work GREATLY beats the few minutes it takes us to get inside. Especially when majority of raids are done with the base owners not around. Not to mention the HOURS they spent gathering all of the tents and all of the things they grabbed to fill said tents. Because of how easy it is to raid a base, is why I chose to not to build pretty much at all again. I've spent hours getting things set all up with some folks just to wake up and have it all be gone when I know they only spent a minor 15 minutes there grabbing the juicy stuff. So personally, I don't think raiders should get much more of an advantage as raiding is pretty damn easy as of now.

If you read the post, and the issues that I've addressed, you'll come to see that this has nothing to do with raiders nor does it grant them any more of an advantage. These changes are simply for the sake of making more IC sense, and to prevent the issues I addressed. They won't make sawing the code-lock off any shorter, nor make it easier for anyone to get it.

Also, on another note.

This is a DayZ Roleplaying server, and not Rust. If you are going to use base-building, then you should use it for roleplaying purposes, such as building a camp for your group. A good example would be @HDragon's camp in Sitnik, which is well know. The only reason that they have a code-lock on the gate is in case they get attacked and/or to keep out people that are not allowed in.

This code is open for all to read but you are not allowed to repack or publish also note that this is a community list if your code is listed here and you wish it to be remove please just contact us at [email protected]

In the code above at the end of function main, object 'a' has zero strong references thus is deleted, destructor releases m_child, and so the object 'b' also has zero strong references and it is deleted.

Found this old mod and I'm going to try and update the code and see what I can learn from it, I don't like that it lets the player go instead of kicking them/killing them/banning them but it's a start. Last night it was out of hand, my pve server has gone from low-med pop to med-high pop in a week. Had 30 players on at the end of us peak time and when that many players are on a pve server at once, shootings tend to happen lol.

Man I had zero luck with the pvp jail script. Spent a couple hours last night working at it and never could get all of it to work with 1061a. The jail would show up, remote messages worked, just the actual script itself as far recognizing that you killed a player and teleporting you to the jail is what isn't working - It's got to be an incompatiability with what gets added to the bottom of server_playerDied. I checked for variables that have changed since 1051 and couldn't find any any old ones, I think it's got something to do with the _killer variable perhabs, might just need to update it to "isKiller" or something like that - I tried a lot of things and couldn't get that part working so tonight I'm going to focus on the snippet of code I posted after that and see if I can get a working result out of that. I believe the person who posted it got it from here:

Well that's good news - what I did was, in fn_damageHandler: added the edit on line 80 and repacked my dayz_code.pbo, do I need to be redirecting that whole file to the custom folder inside my mission via custom compiles? In the meantime here's the edit I made

I was doing everything right (once I moved the fn_damageHandler to my mission folder) but one of my mods is locking my damagehanlder and forcing it, so the code to exit script doesn't work. My server is heavily modded so to find out which mod is causing the issue I'm going to setup a from scratch overpoch server tonight, set the damagehandler exit first thing and make sure that works and then I'll add my mods back in one at a time and test function until I identify which mod is the culprit, and I'll report back here with my findings. e24fc04721

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