Hiya, I love/hate DayZ. Which I suspect is a relatable feeling here. I don't have great internet in my area, and am at a great disadvantage with online vs play. I've tried games like RedDead and GTA, and The Forest -But DayZ is one of the very few open world games that I have found that really feels like it's a real place and I'm in a place in my life where a distraction from my daily grind is necessary. So, I tried out offline Dayz on a local server and it's great. I don't have to worry about getting capped out of nowhere, and I can explore as I please. It's kinda like I can go on a quick camping trip, and maybe kill some zombies or go hunting for a deer or a bear. I wish DayZ had like roaming bandit ai that I could fight against, but I haven't figured that out yet. Do you guys have any suggestions for mods that I could install for a more exciting Solo offline experience?

Hi guys and girls! wondering if it's possible to play offline still? I know they implemented it in .63 I believe where you could play offline, however I want to know if there is still a way? I only ask as I want to play in work time when I'm on lates and show a few of my colleagues what it's all about. thanks in advance!

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Here is how you do it at the moment... it may change in the future.

In your Steam library go to the Tools tab.

Install DayZ Server.

After it is installed right click it and select Properties then Launch Options, type this in there:


You won't have to do that again.

Go to where the server files installed in steam and find \DayZServer\serverDZ.cfg

Open it with notepad and change the name of the server to what ever you want, change day/night length etc... save the file.

Just start the server from Steam like you would a game... wait for it to say init sequence finished then just start DayZ from Steam like you normaly would. When in the game select change server then go to the LAN tab and play on your private server that you named.

If you want to save a backup of the server just copy the storage_1 folder somewhere else to recover from later.

To reset the server delete all the files in the data folder: \DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\

To delete/start a fresh character delete the players.db file under storage_1 folder:


Later on if you want to play with mods on your sever you can right click DayZ game in your library and use the Dayz Launcher to add mods.

Everything went well, and the server runs with no errors in the .RPT file. I can join it through the LAN server browser within Arma 2 OA just fine. What I am trying to do now is make my server joinable in public server lists like dayz launcher.

I used a port checker to ensure my ports were in fact open, and used the dayz launcher server checker to ensure it can be found, and it did find it and said it would be added to the server list within 30 minutes. ( it did! but it shows up as offline! and unjoinable)

But as you said it should only be a matter of time. How long would you say it should take? My server was running for 14 hours straight while showing up in dayz launcher, but it never changed from "offline" , 0/0 players and 9999 ping, after 14 hours. I assumed something wasnt right and that it wasnt just a waiting game at that point, but i cant be sure.

- Unless the group who performed the raid comes forward ICly and admits to doing it, there is no possible way for anyone to know who offline raided them ICly, and too often does this conundrum lead to metagaming. And said metagaming is a problem that can be avoided with eliminating OFFLINE RAIDING as a legal act in DayZRP.

- I know what you're thinking; how is it powergaming? Let me explain. If every single individual in a group is offline - whether they are OOCly working, sleeping, making a sandwich, whatever - where is their character? Obviously it would be meta and very poor roleplay to say that whenever you log off your character poofs into an invisible pocket dimension to rest their little head. When someone is offline, you hear it every time you're in game. "They're sleeping." "They're on a hunt." "They're in Chernarus/Livonia." Whatever your excuse is, it's got some kind of justification that suspends disbelief.

But what about when the entire group is offline? ICly, where are they? Characters needs to sleep, that is absolutely true. But what is the IC justification for OFFLINE RAIDING as to why nobody is currently in the base? Most often I hear that everyone in the group is "sleeping." So... Hold on. You mean to tell me that your IC justification during an offline raid is that you somehow managed to hacksaw through however many locks, hatchet apart however many walls, and loot through every locker, crate, tent, and shoe box within the compound/base without waking a single soul?

I've seen it, you've seen it, we've all seen it. OFFLINE RAIDING is nothing more than a gear-grab. In the few months I've been participating in the server I have been a part of at least a dozen OFFLINE RAIDS and let me tell you - it's lame. What ends up happening every time is that whoever you are beefing with, you offline raid them, then 12 hours later they offline raid you and they get their stuff back. It is a cycle of gear and supplies changing hands repeatedly until finally one group just decides they've had enough and archive themselves or abandon whatever base they've built.

OFFLINE RAIDING is not the only method of raiding. I think that if we eliminate offline raiding from the playing field, it will force groups to leave their base - because eventually they will need other things that other people have. This, I think, would encourage people taking hostages. Hostage-taking is underrated, and there are always NVFL reports going up about people not wanting to be taken hostage. I think if we tweak some other rules a bit, this could be a very good system. Here are some suggestions:

As far as I see it, if you build a base or stash shit somewhere it's honestly your own fault if you get raided. It just makes the game so much more interesting. If you're offline, take precausions against your base getting raided or don't make a base in the first place.

I think it's fine how it is. We shouldn't be keeping tabs on every single person's online or offline status to see if we should raid their base. That is using ooc information which isn't allowed. It's straight up metagaming.

In addition to this, how would we even be able to determine what an offline raid is? What if I find a base in a forest and all the owners are logged out, I can't possibly know this so I raid them, then they report because they're mad and I catch a ban for something I wouldn't be able to know. This would be far too much of a burden for raiders to carry and is entirely unfair to hamper them more than the game already does, base-building comes with big perks and big disadvantages, you can't have it both ways.

Well that goes both ways. It really isn't rocket science just don't offline raid and focus on roleplay instead. Because i can tell you one thing. The people that have bases full of gear are not the ones focusing on gear over roleplay

Currently I don't raid random bases as it would contradict the goals of our group. But I have raided a lot of bases in my days. There is no way of knowing whether or not someone is online or not unless you know who owns the base and their steam name which legit 90% of the cases I don't. I find a base in the middle of the woods and no one is there, that doesn't mean they are offline. They could be looting 3 kms away or just jogging back home.

Im gonna go ahead and spit this out, if offline raiding is powergaming, then claiming your character is sleeping and therefore no one can take the supplies in his tent is also powergaming, you're forcing others to acknowledge your presence when you aren't infact there.

Overall, I think we've had enough discussions about offline raiding, and at this point it's getting pretty boring, if you want to hoard gear, secure your place properly or hide it instead of complaining about it being stolen while you weren't there to protect it.

here is a question I put to you, you say offline raiding what if your camp is in cherno for example and you and your guys go to tisy and I break in, how is that any dif to being raided when your not online

You don't know if someone is online or offline unless you have them on steam really. We're not gonna go out of our way to check their online status before raiding a base. If there's shit to take, we take it.

If I see a base that looks pretty tempting and is raidable imma raid it end of, if theres someone there thats a bonus and if no one is there unlucky bud. How am I supposed to know if the owner is offline or just out on a loot run too? Also lets say I've been prepping to raid the base, getting the supplies etc. Then the owner goes offline, makes for some awkward rp with my mates eh? "Sorry boys lets not raid it now"

Ignoring the basis of if Offline raiding is good or bad, how the hell is it going to be regulated? Say we do ban offline raiding. Okay, how do we catch people? You want the Staff Team to sit and sift through hours of logs to find out if X person from X group or dynamic was online when person B decided to raid even though X person wasn't online during the case at the time? Like ... Near impossible. Even if you create a script that checks groups to see if they're online when a base is broken into that's theirs(which you have to determine by some magical mean) by someone that doesn't impact non-grouped people.

Thrown into the gloomy escapade of DayZ, you will battle other players and team up with friends to combat the zombie apocalypse. However, the community has done its fair share to alter the game experience by adding an offline mode, which will have you traversing the vast open world all alone. Here is how to get solo mode in DayZ. e24fc04721

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