Dayspring Youth Ministry

Sunday Formation Classes

STEP UP SUNDAY is this Sunday! Welcome new families and new 7th graders!

The youth meet weekly on Zoom (for now) and will be transitioning to in-person Formation classes as soon as it is safe.

Click to go directly to online Zoom meetings.

Junior High: 10:30-11:15am

High School: 11:30-12:15pm


Welcome to the website for all things Dayspring Youth Ministry. If you are checking us out for the first time, my name is Jennine Ballew, and I am the Youth Ministries Coordinator at Dayspring. Our program serves youth in grades 7-12, and we are a dynamic and welcoming group! I would love to answer any questions you may have.


cell 480.619.8990

Sign up for Remind

I send most of our reminders through the Remind app. Parents and youth please sign up. You won't want to miss what is happening in DYM!