Steam Download Network Keeps Dropping

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As the title says, Stem keeps dropping connection. When I open Steam I often get en error saying that it couldn't log me in. Doing steam --reset usually fixes that error. But as far as I can see it is random if I get it or not.

I don't know why, but my wired connection keeps dropping randomly. After being down for about ten seconds, it turns back up again with no problems. This happens randomly, as it can happen after one hour of use, or after 10 minutes, and it keeps happening all the time, a bunch of times a day. 

I tried to disable and enable the dhcpcd service a couple of times. I also tried to use netctl to use a static IP instead of a dinamic one, but i didn't have any luck. 

I don't know exactly how to fix it, since this is something that happened before with an ArcoLinux install i had previously. Then i switched to Debian and there was no problem with it. I switched back to Arch a couple of days ago, so this is a pretty fresh install, and this droppings started happening again. It's not that big of a deal, but it's annoying.

My wifi connection keeps disconnecting frequently (say once in a couple of minutes) sometimes it gets back and sometimes I need to activate and deactivate aeroplane mode.I tried to change my network provider to make sure it is this laptop problem and not the internet I use. The same happened with ADSL connection, android hotspot, and TD LTE modem.Really annoying.Some info:output of lspci -knn | grep Net -A2:

1) No one can connect with litenetlib because the server (on the friends private network probably) has not correctly opened the necessary ports. His friends just have more luck with steamnetworking because steamnetworking works in principle but is very particular on circumstances.

So what exactly should I try and do here, I don't really understand anything about steamnetworking or whatever, because this only happens on this specific __________server, no other ones and or private servers

If it is a managed server you could ask the server operator to open those UDP ports, but he probably(?) won't so you might have to live with it or switch to another provider. Note it is just a guess that steamnetworking might be part of your problem, it is perfectly possible that changing to litenetlib doesn't change anything.

Ports look fine, linked up steam and epic accounts, he deleted my files and nothing. 

Then he switched server hosts, I tried joining and it let me on, but a few hours later when I tried joining again it did not let me on. Altough before on the old host it disconnects me right after it says initiliazing world, but now it disconnects me right after creating character. The logs and console show nothing different apart from the disconnect message now saying "network timeout", whereas before it said server disconnected you. But I can STILL join whenever someone else is on which confuses me as to why that's the case, and why it worked the first time right after he switched hosts

Ports look fine, linked up steam and epic accounts, he deleted my files and nothing. 

Then he switched server hosts, I tried joining and it let me on, but a few hours later when I tried joining again it did not let me on. Altough before on the old host it disconnects me right after it says initiliazing world, but now it disconnects me right after creating character. The logs and console show nothing different apart from the disconnect message now saying "network timeout", whereas before it said server disconnected you. But I can STILL join whenever someone else is on which confuses me as to why that's the case, and why it worked the first time right after he switched hosts

This is the fourth time I've done this now, I've installed the game fresh (again), disabled steamnetworking (again), Tried nothing new or did anything, but this time it worked for whatever reason

I am able to log on now, /sometimes/ it disconnects me but the second try lets me on, which it didn't before. Anyway, thank you all for the support!

I reinstalled my pc because switching from LAN connection to WIFI didn't solve it nor did reinstalling both adapters. After reinstall, everything worked fin. To answer the question we were all using steam as client and the regions are all set correctly to Belgium where we live. In this case it was pc related or some kind of windows issue dropping connections.

Considering you had an issue with the PC & Router negotiating at 1gbps initially and now your saying speed goes up and down and pages dont load this sounds like a cable or PC issue. Basically something is continually dropping & then re-establishing the connection in quick succession which would account for variation in your steam download as well as pages loading.

So I've read nearly every stack overflow answer about this issue, but still no solution. My device keeps getting disconnected. I've switched through 12 wires, I've tried every USB port; nothing. Eclipse keeps dropping the connection. It happens most often when I enter debug mode. Has anyone found a solution to this? Is this a bug in the new update? Seriously, this makes debugging and testing so painful. It slows down my testing by at least 3 times. There has to be a better solution. 5376163bf9

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