The names of the 7 days of the week in most Latin-based languages come from the Roman calendar, which related each day with 7 celestial bodies considered to be gods: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

There are many different opinions as to how the 7-day week originated. The most common explanation points to Babylonian astrologers who assigned planet gods to the days of the week around 700 BCE.The Romans later replaced these names with their planet gods in the ancient Roman calendar and Germanic and Norse people later did the same with some of their gods.

Days Of The Week Pdf Download


Both Saturdays and Sundays are common days of rest in the calendar. Calendars in some countries use a separate color for the weekends and reserve the black or gray fonts for the weekdays, Monday through Friday.

The weeks of the year in the Gregorian calendar are numbered from week 1 to week 52 or 53. If a year, and week 1, starts on a Thursday, then the weeks are shifted so that there are 53 weeks in that year.

We're writing a records management product for schools and one of the requirements is the ability to manage course schedules. I haven't looked at the code for how we deal with this (I'm on a different project at the moment), but nonetheless I started wondering how best to handle one particular part of this requirement, namely how to handle the fact that each course can be held one or more days of the week, and how best to store this information in the database. To provide some context, a bare-bones Course table might contain the following columns:

What I'm wondering is, what is the best way to handle the DaysOfWeek column in this (contrived) example? The problem I'm having with it is that is a multi-valued field: that is, you can have a course on any day of the week, and the same course can take be held on more than one day. I know certain databases natively support multi-value columns, but is there a "best practice" to handle this assuming the database doesn't natively support it?

This was the first thing that popped into my head (I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not...). In this solution, DaysOfWeek would be defined as a byte, and the first 7 bits would be used to represent the days of week (one bit for each day). A 1 bit would indicate that a class was held on corresponding day of the week.

This is essentially the same approach as using a bit field, but instead of dealing with raw bits, you assign a unique letter to each day of the week, and the DaysOfWeek column just stores a sequence of letters indicating what days a course is held on. For example, you might associate each weekday with a single-character code as follows:

Another possibility would be to create a new table that stores all the unique combinations of days of the week, and have the Course.DaysOfWeek column simply be a foreign key into this lookup table. However, this solution seems like the most inelegant one, and I only considered it because it seemed like the The Relational WayTM to do things.

Cons: It's inelegant and cumbersome. For example, how would you design the user interface for assigning corresponding weekdays to a given course around the lookup table? I doubt a user wants to deal with choices alongs the lines of "Sunday", "Sunday, Monday", "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday", "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", and so on...

Since the number of days in a week is 7, I would keep seven columns, perhaps boolean. This will also facilitate subsequent queries. This will also be useful if the tool is ever used in countries where the workweek starts on different days.

I would avoid the lookup because that would be over-normalization. Unless your set of lookup items is not obvious or could possibly change, it's overkill. In the case of days-of-the-week (unlike US states, for example), I would sleep soundly with the fixed set.

Finally, a word of warning about the domain: a lot of schools do weird things with their schedules where they "swap days" to balance out an equal number of weekdays of each type over the semester despite holidays. I am not clear about your system, but perhaps the best approach would be to store a table of the actual dates in which the course is expected to take place. This way, if there are two Tuesdays in a week, the teacher can get paid for showing up twice, and the teacher for the Thursday that was canceled will not pay.

A possible #4: Why does it need to be a single column? You could add 7 bit columns for each day of the week to the table. Writing SQL against it is simple, just test for a 1 in the column of your choice. And the app code reading from the database just hides this in a switch. I realize that this is not normal form and I usually spend quite a bit of time trying to undo such designs from previous programmers, but I somewhat doubt that we're going to add an eighth day to the week any time soon.

Other possible queries are "Whats the end date of 20 day course starting 1st April", which "schedules clash most".If you are really good at SQL you can ask "what possible days are open in course xxx to a student who is already booked for course yyy" -- which I have the feeling is the real puprose of your proposed system.

I thought it was interesting that each day of the week has a differentiating first character with a particular meaning. I would have thought kanji related to counting might be used but instead elemental characters are used as follows:

The law does not require that the rest must be given every 7 days. For example, an employer may legally schedule work for 12 consecutive days within a 2 week period if the days of rest fall on the first and last days of the 2 week period.

The United Nations designates specific days, weeks, years and decades as occasions to mark particular events or topics in order to promote, through awareness and action, the objectives of the Organization. Usually, it is one or more Member States that propose these observances and the General Assembly establishes them with a resolution.

Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving. Each week adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity, according to the current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

You can do moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or a mix of the two, each week. A rule of thumb is that 1 minute of vigorous-intensity activity is about the same as 2 minutes of moderate-intensity activity.

Last December, I went on a hunt for a new Bible reading plan. I wanted to find one that was 5 days a week (instead of the usual seven) and I was hoping to find one that was psuedo-chronological (more on what I mean by that in a moment). After searching a variety of websites, I came across this Bible reading plan that is my new favorite. I think it will be one that I use time and time again.

Wednesday may be "hump day" in your working week, but to Italians the day in the middle of the week is Thursday, as illustrated by the idiom "Sei sempre in mezzo come il gioved" (literally"You're always in the middle like Thursday") or simply "Sei come il gioved" ("You're like Thursday").

@Paul Newcome, you're my only hope! I need to take the total number of Time Savings minutes in each row and convert them into days and hours then display that information in the Time Savings Total column. Any ideas?

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index finds that only about one in four Americans (27%) are getting 30 minutes of exercise five or more days per week. Another 24% report exercising for at least 30 minutes on three or four of the last seven days, while nearly half (49%) report exercising for at least 30 minutes less than three days per week.

Gallup analyzed the results of more than 400,000 interviews, conducted from May 2008 to April 2009, during National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, observed every May since 1983. During the month of May the government works to promote the Department of Health and Human Services Physical Activity Guidelines. The guidelines state that in order to garner substantial health benefits, adults need a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity at least five days a week or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity each week.

Americans at a normal weight, according to Body Mass Index classifications, are more likely to report exercising 30 minutes five or more days per week than those who are overweight or obese. Of the respondents whose BMI falls within the normal weight range, 32% report exercising on five days or more in the last seven, compared to 28% of those who are overweight and 20% of those who are obese.

Aside from the differences in reported amount of exercise by BMI, there is little demographic variation. Older Americans are slightly more likely to say they are exercising at least 30 minutes at least five days per week than those who are younger. Men are also more likely than women, by a small margin, to report exercising on five or more days in a week.

In addition to the well-known physical health benefits of exercise, the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index reveals a compelling emotional benefit to frequent exercise. Those who exercise at least two days per week report experiencing more happiness and less stress than those who do not. Further, the benefits tend to increase slightly with more frequent exercise, save for those who exercise seven days per week.

Exercising more frequently also appears to increase a person's likelihood to say they feel well-rested and have enough energy. Again, the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index reveals increasing benefits for each additional day of exercise, save for the seventh day, when benefits subside slightly. Both of these measures peak when a person reports getting 30 minutes of exercise six days per week.

Given the documented benefits of frequent exercise for an individual's physical and emotional health, it is concerning to find that just under 50% of Americans report exercising less than three days a week. Neftzger notes that "the benefits of exercise are not in question and most individuals know that they should exercise, but what seems to be lacking is the motivation." Something that can assist motivation, she adds, is "finding a friend to exercise with you, which would also serve to boost social time, another proven key to higher wellbeing." 006ab0faaa

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