The Day of Crisis competition was started by Professor Jean-Marc THOUVENIN at Université Paris Nanterre in 2012.
The international law firm Simmons & Simmons has been an active sponsor since its inception.
You have 24 hours. Can you solve an international crisis?
Over the course of 24 hours, student teams will face a series of major international crises. Competing teams must represent governments, international organisations, businesses or non-governmental organisations, in dealing with a variety of legal issues quickly, accurately and diplomatically. The crisis evolves as the 24 hours unfold, with new information and questions arising. Teams may be requested to: provide a legal opinion, advise a client (State, company, person); draft documents (press release, note verbale, Security Council Resolution etc.); negotiate on behalf of a client or elaborate diplomatic or judicial strategies. This 24-hour non-stop international law and diplomacy competition challenges students’ knowledge of public international law, and their skills in teamwork, drafting, negotiation and working under pressure
Students are expected to organize their teams in order to deal with numerous requests, establish priorities, and make use of their skills in a limited time with a view to cope with all the issues. Capacity to establish successful strategies, especially during negotiating sessions, accurate assessment of situations and of legal questions, and capacity to face stress, are the desired qualities.
The working language of the Crisis is English. Each Team is composed of 5 to 7 students. Students must be selected at a Master level.
A “Crisis Jury” of academics and practitioners establishes a ranking.