My Profile

Getting to Know Me 

I am currently a student at Smithfield-Selma High School in the graduating class of 2023. I have been in AVID since my freshman year and just this year (2021) I joined the IB Careers Program. It is my dream to receive my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing in order to become  a traveling nurse. Later in the future, I hope to sign up with an agency that can allow me to help people from all over the world, while in return I continue to study different practices of medicine from different regions and cultures. 

All I have ever wanted to do is be useful, to help others from all over the world, especially in the reality we are currently living. COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on our healthcare system and on our world. Seeing how it has caused of thousands of deaths motivates me to work harder than ever to help anyone in need of medical assistance. 

Long & Short Term Goals

My Short Term Goal - To receive my CNA Certification by the time I graduate high school. 

My Long Term Goal - I hope to use all the skills and knowledge I have developed over the years to become a traveling nurse. After a few years of traveling, I hope to continue studying to become a nurse practitioner in the future. 

My IB Career Pathway

My IB Health Care Career Path began my junior year to pursue a career in the healthcare world. Why I chose to pursue a healthcare career? Well, I am a soft hearted person. I worry about others and try to help them in their time of need. I want to be someone who people can depend on and be able to provide a smile in the face of hardship. 

Reflection on Development 

These past two years have been the most stressful years of my highschool journey, however, also the most rewarding. I have created life lasting connections with my instructor and peers, as well as life lasting memories. Together we all grew, developing new skills, methods of thinking, and breaking down barriers that limited us to our full potential. No matter what the future has in store for me, I will continue to break down these barriers with the support I had and hopefully continue to have with IBCP.