In the past, propagandists and those seeking to conduct deception operations used crude methods to alter images of real people, events and objects, which could usually be detected relatively easily. Today, however, computers allow propagandists to create any imaginable image, still or moving, with appropriate accompanying audio. Furthermore, it is becoming extremely difficult to detect that an image has been manipulated, and the Internet, television and global media make it possible to disseminate altered images around the world almost instantaneously. Given that the United States is the sole superpower, few, if any, adversaries will attempt to fight the US military conventionally on the battlefield. Therefore, adversaries will use propaganda and deception, especially altered images, in an attempt to level the battlefield or to win a war against the United States without even having to fight militarily.

1. The Lying Eye: Photography, Propaganda and Deception 2. The Easiest Mark: The United States 3. Psyops: Hearts and Minds and Eyes 4. Psyops: The Un-American Weapon? 5. Deception is a Many and Varied Thing 6. How to Deceive: Principles 7. How to Deceive: Stratagems 8. The Best Deceivers: The British in World War Two 9. The Threat: Striking the Media Culture 10. Defense: The Media Culture Strikes Back Conclusion Bibliography

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The RCMP arrested two individuals, one in Ottawa and another in Kingsey Falls, following an investigation led by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET). In April 2020, INSET received information on individuals allegedly involved in the activities of the terrorist group Atomwaffen Division, linked to neo-Nazi ideology. At this stage of the investigation, Patrick Gordon Macdonald, 26, from Ottawa, is facing three charges under the Criminal Code:

According to the investigation, Mr. Macdonald allegedly helped produce propaganda material for the benefit of the terrorist entity Atomwaffen Division. He allegedly participated in and facilitated the creation, production and distribution of three terrorist propaganda videos. This material was intended to promote the group and recruit members, and encourages the commission of terrorist activities.

The RCMP remains committed to countering ideologically motivated violent extremism. Several partners are working together to counter all forms of violent extremism and propaganda by groups listed as terrorist entities in Canada. The public's assistance is essential to combat this major issue, which is a national priority.

In 2018, a special fourth edition of Siege, a hyper-violent neo-Nazi insurgency manual penned in the 1980s, was released. On the cover that was shared thousands of times, drawn in silhouette and with harsh lines, was a figure of a masked man with the face of a white skeleton and bright red dots for eyes.

The sketch helped popularize the way followers of Siege, written by a man who is now listed as a terrorist entity by the Canadian government, would forever see and dress themselves: as murderous insurgents, intent on carrying out acts of terrorism to accelerate the collapse of society, all the while wearing what is now their trademark black skull-mask balaclava.

Until now, the public has never known his true identity: Patrick Gordon MacDonald, a 20-something graphic designer from Ottawa, Canada, who lives with his parents. In a quiet capital city, under the noses of authorities, MacDonald helped define the aesthetics of a terrorist movement that has worried law enforcement agencies around the world.

A person who was formerly in the scene with MacDonald told VICE World News of his identity. Multiple confidential sources monitoring neo-Nazi terrorists independently confirmed the young Canadian was indeed the prolific neo-Nazi propagandist.

Multiple emails sent to MacDonald, family members, and people the Canadian had done work for went unanswered. Despite the lack of response, email tracking software shows the emails sent to MacDonald were viewed over 30 times and those sent to his family members and customers were likewise opened and viewed numerous times, but not responded to.

VICE World News tracked MacDonald down to his doorstep in suburban Ottawa to hand-deliver a list of questions in an envelope. The woman who answered the door refused to comment or give access to MacDonald.

In the summer of 2017, MacDonald first appeared under his alias on IronMarch, a far-right forum that was the digital birthplace for Atomwaffen, which subsequently inspired several other groups. The young man introduced himself as a budding fascist with a penchant for Photoshop.

That Terrorwave aesthetic went on to define the look of legions of other neo-Nazi terror groups after Atomwaffen, including the Base, Sonnenkrieg Division, and Fuerkrieg Division. These groups combined have accounted for dozens of arrests of neo-Nazis around the world on terrorism-related charges and attracted hundreds, if not thousands, of followers into neo-Nazism. Canada recently declared Atomwaffen and the Base official terrorist organizations, while a congresswoman in the U.S. recently pressured the Biden administration to do the same.

VICE World News viewed the YouTube and Soundcloud pages when they were active in 2018, but have since been taken down. To the many skull masks and their adjacent fanboys and trolls, MacDonald was more than just a graphic designer for the movement. He was a celebrity.

Though he had won renown among his peers, Dark Foreigner began to fade from the movement. The time of his exit correlates with a trip to the United Kingdom in the winter of 2019. MacDonald was stopped by U.K. counterterrorism agents who detained him in February 2019.

Multiple members of the neo-Nazi organizations that MacDonald galavanted with in the U.K. have been slapped with a myriad of anti-terror charges. Andrew Dymock, the founder of Sonnekreig Division whom MacDonald created propaganda for, was convicted of 15 offences, including five counts of encouraging terrorism, four counts of disseminating terrorist publications, and two counts of terrorism funding last month.

This is particularly evident as Dark Foreigner frequently used profiles of extremists or figures with violent histories as the centerpiece in his art. This allows the average, less well-read neo-Nazi to key in on the fact the group is supportive of Ted Kaczynski, Savitri Devi, Anders Brevik, or even Osama Bin Laden (all of whom MacDonald created propaganda around) without having to actually interact with the material to understand why.

Left and bottom, the logo MacDonald said he created for a Ukrainian wine company. Right, a photo of a Sonnekreig Division member brandishing one of their flags. Photo via screenshot and Counter Terrorism Policing North East.

The advertisement, which has been viewed 38 times, is a far cry from the days just two years prior when he could post an image that would be shared thousands of times by a network of dangerous neo-Nazis, many of which would go on to be arrested by the FBI. Despite his lasting footprint within the neo-Nazi movement, Raposo said that artistically he never really treaded any new ground.

In April 2020, INSET received information on individuals allegedly involved in the activities of the terrorist group Atomwaffen Division, a U.S.-based group linked to neo-Nazi ideology that was listed as a terrorist entity in Canada in 2021.

According to the investigation, Macdonald allegedly participated in and facilitated the creation, production and distribution of three terrorist propaganda videos supporting Atomwaffen Division. The material was intended to promote the group and recruit members, police said.

Public Safety Canada said the Atomwaffen Division called for acts of violence against racial, religious, and ethnic groups as well as informants, police and bureaucrats to prompt the collapse of society.

What Fox Knew It almost hurts my feelings as a liberal to come to the conclusion that host Tucker Carlson, who left the channel on Monday, may not be completely crazy. Leading up to the trial it became clear through private correspondence made public that Carlson, among many other Fox News personalities and executives, were not on board with Donald Trump or The Big Lie.

Window Shopping It was a close call. The hoard of zombies Fox News created briefly debated eating their brains too. The irony is that it was Fox News themselves who taught their audience that truth and accountability do not matter. It is a well-documented fact how little importance is placed on follow-up in the Fox News ecosystem.

It is this signature lack of follow-up that prepped the Fox News audience long ago to accept outlandish statements, never question the source, or look for an eventual conclusion. It is akin to emotional window shopping. Viewers get to view tragedy and victimization without actually having to experience it.

Choosing Fake NewsMany academic studies have concluded that conservatives engage with fake news more often than their liberal counterparts. A study earlier this year published in the journal Nature Human Behavior replicated those findings and took it a step farther (1). They hypothesized if participants were financially incentivized to correctly pinpoint fake news, they would be better at it.

It is a choice to engage with fake news online. It is a choice to spread misinformation. And Fox News viewers made the choice to reject the truth of the 2020 election and insist on being served more of the comforting propaganda that has become their only refuge from a world increasingly united against their narrow brand of morality. Fox News and their audience are locked into a mutually destructive relationship.

Yes, they skated by without the embarrassment of a trial and without having to give anything even close to resembling an apology. But pretending to own the libs has a hefty price tag, and they will continue to pay a high cost to maintain the cruel symbiotic marriage between viewer and host, truth and fiction. 152ee80cbc

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