Short CV


2024–2028: Joseph F. Ritt Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York.


2020–2024: Ph.D., Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne Université, Paris, Supervisor: Jérémie Szeftel, Thesis: Stability problems in General Relativity.

2019–2020: Master 2, Analyse, Arithmétique, Géométrie, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, Grade: 19.71/20, Mention Très Bien.

2016–2019: Ingénieur, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, GPA: 3.90/4.0.

2012–2016: Bachelor of Mathematics, School of the Gifted Young, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, GPA: 3.71/4.3.

Projects and Internships

2020: Master Thesis: The evolution problem in General Relativity, Advisor: Jérémie Szeftel. Internship report (French version).

2019: Research Internship: The black hole horizon and the bicharacteristic flow, Advisor: Michał Wrochna. Internship report (French version).

2017: Collective Scientific Project: Around nonlinear wave equations, Advisor: Cécile Huneau.

2016: Undergraduate Thesis: Nonlinear elliptic equations, Advisor: Xinan Ma.

Honors and Awards

2019: Grand prize of the research internship (Awarded par François Golse).

2015: Silver Medal in Group competition of S. T. Yau Mathematics Competition.

2014: Bronze Medal of HUA Award of S. T. Yau Mathematics Competition.

2014: Second prize of The Chinese Mathematics Competition.


06/07/2024: Global stability of Minkowski spacetime with minimal decay. 华罗庚青年数学论坛(分析及其相关方向).

25/01/2024: Global stability of Minkowski spacetime with minimal decay. Seminar on Mathematical General Relativity at Sorbonne Université.

19/01/2024: Global stability of Minkowski spacetime with minimal decay. Mathematical GR and Hyperbolic PDE Seminar.

29/11/2023: Global stability of Minkowski spacetime with minimal decay. Analysis & PDE seminar at National University of Singapore.

30/06/2023: Kerr stability in external regions. Analysis & PDE seminar at National University of Singapore.

27/05/2023: Kerr stability in external regions. Webinar on Analysis & PDE.

18/04/2023: r^p-weighted estimates. General Relativity Reading Group at Sorbonne Université.

27/01/2023: Feynman propagator on asymptotically Minkowski spacetimes. CPHT Young Researcher Seminar at Ecole Polytechnique.

06/01/2023: Atiyah-Singer index theorem. PhD student working group ANH and ANEDP at Université Paris Saclay.

16/11/2022: General Covariant Modulated (GCM) procedure. General Relativity Seminar at Leipzig University.

19/10/2022: General Covariant Modulated (GCM) procedure. Seminar on Mathematical General Relativity at Sorbonne Université. 

15/07/2022: General Covariant Modulated (GCM) procedure. Mathematical GR and Hyperbolic PDE Seminar.

28/02/2022: General Covariant Modulated (GCM) procedure. General Relativity Reading Group at Sorbonne Université.

17/02/2022: The stability of Minkowski in exterior regions. PhD student working group ANH and ANEDP at Université Paris Saclay.

12/02/2022: An index theorem on asymptotically static spacetimes with compact Cauchy surface. PhD student seminar at Johns Hopkins University.