Journey to distant lands renowned for brave warriors and fearsome weaponry in FireFly Studios' Stronghold: Crusader. This highly anticipated successor to the bestselling Stronghold combines the finest aspects from a city builder and a real-time strategy game. Lead a determined group of crusaders, forged by centuries of barbaric conflicts, or wage war against a powerful foreign invader amidst the haze of the desert heat. Within impenetrable walls beats the heart of a thriving society full of fletchers, brewers, and armorers, while outside stalk enemy assassins, mighty war engines, and the constant threat of fire. As European nobles or Arabian warriors, conquer this unforgiving wasteland, defend desert fortresses, and lay siege to fearless enemies during the legendary crusades of the 11th and 12th centuries.

What strange vigils in that little hilltop cottage where the young manwatches over this precious, dangerous, gilded coffer, while Saul iswinning and losing his kingdom in a turmoil of blood and sorrow andmadness, forgetful of Israel's covenant with the Most High! At lastcomes King David, from his newly won stronghold of Zion, seeking eagerlyfor this lost symbol of the people's faith. "Lo, we heard of it atEphratah; we found it in the field of the wood." So the gray stonecottage on the hilltop gave up its sacred treasure, and David carried itaway with festal music and dancing. But was Eleazar glad, I wonder, orsorry, that his long vigil was ended?

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There on the rocky backbone of Benjamin and [page 71] Ephraim, wasRamallah (where we had spent Sunday in the sweet orderliness of theFriends' Mission School), and Beroth, and Bethel, and Gilgal, andShiloh. Eastward, behind the hills, we could trace the long, vast trenchof the Jordan valley running due north and south, filled with thinviolet haze and terminating in a glint of the Dead Sea. Beyond that deepline of division rose the mountains of Gilead and Moab, a lofty,unbroken barrier. To the south-east we could see the red roofs of thenew Jerusalem, and a few domes and minarets of the ancient city. Beyondthem, in the south, was the truncated cone of the Frank Mountain, wherethe crusaders made their last stand against the Saracens; and the hillsaround Bethlehem; and a glimpse, nearer at hand, of the tall cypressesand peaceful gardens of 'Ain Karm.

In a walled kitchen-garden at the entrance of the town was David's Well.We felt no assurance, of course, as we looked down into it, that thiswas the veritable place. But at all events it served to bring back to usone of the prettiest bits of romance in the Old Testament. When the boldson of Jesse had become a chieftain of outlaws and was besieged by thePhilistines in the stronghold of Adullam, his heart grew thirsty for adraught from his father's well, whose sweetness he had known as a boy.And when his three mighty men went up secretly at the [page 88] risk oftheir lives, and broke through the host of their enemies, and broughttheir captain a vessel of this water, "he would not drink thereof, butpoured it out unto Jehovah."

As we ride across the smiling corn-fields toward the isolated eminence,we see its strength as well as its beauty. It rises steeply from thevalley to a height of more than three hundred feet. The encirclingmountains are too far away to dominate it under the ancient conditionsof warfare without cannons, and a good wall must have made it, as itsname implied, an impregnable "stronghold," watching over a region ofimmense fertility.

Hsbeiy proves to be a rather thriving and picturesque town builtaround the steep sides of a bay [page 299] or opening in the valley. Theamphitheatre of hills is terraced with olive-orchards and vineyards.There are also many mulberry-trees cultivated for the silkworms, and theever-present figs and almonds are not wanting. The stone houses of thetown rise, on winding paths, one above the other, many of them havingarched porticoes, red-tiled roofs, and green-latticed windows. It is aplace of about five thousand population, now more than half Christian,but formerly one of the strongholds and capitals of the mysterious Drusereligion.

As an additional inducement to crusaders they were, moreover, releasedfrom earthly as well as heavenly justice, by being classed with clerksand subjected only to spiritual jurisdiction. When accused, theecclesiastical judge was directed to take them from the secular courtsby the use of excommunication, if necessary, and when found guilty ofenormous crime, such as murder, they were merely divested of the cross,and punished with the same leniency as ecclesiastics. This becameembodied in secular jurisprudence, and its attraction to the recklessadventurers who formed so large a portion of the papal armies is readilyconceivable. When, in 1246, those who had taken the cross in France wereindulging themselves in robbery, murder, and rape, St. Louis was obligedto appeal to Innocent IV., and the pope responded by instructing hislegate that such malefactors were not to be protected.[33]

Still further rewards were offered when personal ambition andvindictiveness were to be gratified in the crusade preached by InnocentIV. against the Emperor Conrad IV., after the death of Frederic II.,when he granted a larger remission of sins than for the voyage to theHoly Land, and included the father and mother of the crusader asbeneficiaries in the assurance of heaven. A profitable device had alsobeen introduced by which crusaders, unwilling or unable to perform theirvow, were absolved from it on a money payment proportioned to theirability, and very large sums were raised in this manner, which wereexpended, nominally at least, for the furtherance of the holy cause. Thedevelopment of the system continued until it came to be employed in thepettiest private quarrels of the popes as masters of the patrimony ofSt. Peter. If Alexander IV. could use it successfully against Eccelin daRomano, the next century saw John XXII. have recourse to it, not only inmaking war against a formidable antagonist like Matteo Visconti or theMarquis of Montefeltre, but even when he wished to reduce the rebelliouscitizens of little places like Osimo and Recanati, in the March ofAncona, or the turbulent{45} people of Rome itself. The ingenious method ofgranting indulgences to those who took the cross, and then releasingthem from service for a sum of money, had become too cumbrous, and thepurchase of salvation simplified itself into a direct payment, so thatJohn was able to raise funds for his private wars by thus distributingthe treasures of salvation over Christendom, and ordering the prelateseverywhere to establish coffers in the churches by which the pious couldhelp the Church while they saved their souls. The prelates who saw withregret the coins of their parishioners disappear into thenever-satisfied maelstrom of the Holy See, in vain endeavored to resist.They were no longer independent, and the slender barriers which theysought to erect were easily swept away.[34] be457b7860

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