DAVIS Event Camera Sample Data

DAVIS24 has unpublished samples of DAVIS event camera data, for exploring raw data and for algorithm development.

DAVIS24 samples were recorded by Tobi Delbruck, Sensors Group of the Inst. of Neuroinformatics, Univ. of Zurich and ETH Zurich. 

Information about other datasets and code  are on the Sensors Group webpage.

Dataset files

You may (not clear if true in 2024) be able to add a shortcut of this folder to your google drive to synchronize the files to your local drive. Otherwise you can download the files individually.


Files were mostly recorded from a DAVIS346 camera with a variety of lenses, and are mostly in AEDAT-2.0 format that can be played with jAER

Playing with the data

You can drag and drop the files onto the jAER AEViewer. Use the AEChip Davis346blue to play most of these files. 

Dataset contents

See the DAVIS24 gdrive data. File names give hints to contents.

Stand by for more detailed descriptions of dataset files and sample videos


Website citation is appreciated: 


Please post on https://groups.google.com/g/davis-users  if you want to see more/different sample DAVIS346 data here.

Event Camera used

These samples were recorded from a prototype DAVIS346 frame-event camera, (commercially sold by inivation), specifically the one briefly reported in 

The original DAVIS (DAVIS240) was reported in


Initial batch, 20.2.24:

Note: for above recordings, the DAVIS346 IMU settings were mostly default values of full scale 250 deg/s gyro and full scale 2g accerleration; set jAER to these in the Hardware Configuration panel to get correct IMU values.

Added 23.2.24: Telluride Mountain Biking Data

See the mountain biking gdrive folder.

2018 Telluride Neuromorphic Workshop recordings with Alex Zhu from mountain biking with DAVIS336 mounted on handlebars of bike; laptop was in backpack. 25 FPS frame rate for gray frames.  DVS/APS/IMU samples. Exported snippets from source rosbag to AEDAT-2.0 files.

Ask on davis-users forum if you want the complete 1500s recording in rosbag format (62GB). 

These files are big and so supplied as highest compression level 7-zip files with  7z a -t7z -mx=9, which achieves about 7X compression.


Note: When playing these mountaing biking AEDAT, set the correct IMU full scale values in jAER as shown to right, or the IMU values will not make sense. When these AEDAT files were exported, these settings were used and they must be identical full scale gyro and acceleration values (2000 deg/s and 8g) to see correct values when playing back the data.

Since the IMU was mounted on handlebars, there are places where acceleration exceeds 100g according to ROS bag values (it doesn't really make sense because the full scale that the DAVIS346 can measure is 16g according to the datasheet of the Invensense MPU-6150a IMU.

Want more samples? 

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