Our Mission, as your Davis Hill Parent Teacher Association, is to build a strong community of parents, caregivers and teachers to make every child’s potential a reality! Together, we are a powerful voice for all of our children. We are a relevant resource for families and the Davis Hill community as a whole. We hope you will share in the commitment to build this community to better serve our children.

Your Davis Hill PTA is your forum for connecting to other parents and teachers. It is where we, as a community, can exchange ideas and make suggestions to improve our school. Our goal is to enrich our children’s school experience.

Your PTA sponsors Enrichment Programs and several activities the children enjoy like Fall Festival, Holiday Fair, and School Store! We cannot make these programs possible without your support!

Join the PTA today by filling out the Membership Form.

Your​ ​PTA​ ​values​ ​and​ ​respects​ ​your​ ​time,​ ​and​ ​most​ ​of​ ​all​ ​our​ ​children​ ​benefit​ ​from​ ​parents​ ​like​ ​you! Please take a moment to:

1. Like our Facebook Page!​ ​The Davis​ ​Hill​ ​Dragons​ ​-​ ​Official​ ​PTA​ ​ FB page has been a great forum for discussions and questions!

2. No​ ​Facebook?​ ​No​ ​problem!​ ​Check out our Meetings and Events page on the website

3. Contact us!! We can help with any event or general school questions you may need answers to!! Email​ ​us at

4. Attend​ ​our​ meetings the Third Thursday of the month​ ​at​ ​6:30​ ​PM.​ ​ ​Come​ ​see​ ​what​ ​we​ ​are​ ​all​ ​about.​ ​Virtual link included in weekly update. Check Meetings page