
Evaluation rules

Data is available

Submissions will be evaluated on the test partition of the DA-VINCIS Corpus. Macro Precision, Recall and F1 measure scores will be reported for subtask 2, and the corresponding measures with respect to the class of interest (i.e., violent event) will be considered for subtask 1. In both cases, the leading evaluation measure will be the F1-score.

"Participants are allowed to submit up to five runs for each track. The participants must clearly flag each of the runs."

CodaLab page for the task


Paper Submission

Participants of the tasks will be given the opportunity to write a paper that describes their system, resources used, results, and analysis that will be part of the official IberLEF-2022 proceedings. System description papers should be formatted according to the Springer Conference Proceedings style. Latex and Word templates can be found there. The minimum length of a regular paper should be 5 pages. There is no maximum page limit.

Papers must be written in English.