I am Associate Professor of Mathematics for Economics, Acturalia Sciences and Finance at the Catholic University of Milan.

I am Research Fellow at the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava

My research interests include Credit Risk Modeling and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and their Applications in Economics and Finance.

Education:  I received my Ph.D. in Economics, Applied Mathematics and Operational Research from the University of Bergamo in 2014 (Dept. of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods, Supervisor Prof. Gian Italo Bischi). I completed a MSc in Business Economics at the University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo' in 2010. Previously, I completed a BSc in Information Technology Management for Business at the University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo' (2007).

Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

List of Titles and Publications


Associate Professor of Mathematics for Economics, Acturalia Sciences and Finance

University of Pisa

Pisa (Italy)


Senior Researcher of Mathematics for Economics, Acturalia Sciences and Finance

University of Pisa

Pisa (Italy)


Junior Researcher of Mathematics for Economics, Acturalia Sciences and Finance

LIUC - University

Castellanza (Italy)


Research Fellow in Option Pricing Models

Marche Polytechnic University

Ancona (Italy)


PhD in Economics, Applied Mathematics and Operational Research

Description: The Ph.D. Thesis focuses on developing economics and financial models characterized by bounded rationality, heterogeneous agents and adaptive evolutionary processes. According to the specific applications (mainly Environment Economics, Management of Renewable Resources, and Asset Pricing), the work involves the study of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Piecewise-smooth Dynamical Systems and Hybrid Models.

University of Bergamo

Bergamo (Italy)


Master in Economics

University of Urbino "Carlo Bo"



Bachelor of Information Technology Management for Business

University of Urbino

Urbino (Italy)



Member of A.M.A.S.E.S. (Associazione per la Matematica Applicata alle Scienze Economiche e Sociali). Link AMASES

Member (and componente of the Board) of the S.I.C.C. (Società Italiana Caos e Complessità). Link SICC

Member of The Society for Computational Economics. Link CEF

Member of The Game Theory Society. Link: GTS

Computer skills: