
In this section, I'm going to list some of the sites I frequent. 

I will update this section regularly, so I may shift things around and add more stuff.

I am always open to the discovery of new sources of information and places to exchange ideas, so please reach out if you would like to suggest any!

Authors, podcasts, channels

Kurzgesagt is a channel for curious people. They describe their work as “Videos explaining things with optimistic nihilism”. 

Can’t have enough of their accurate explanations, amazing animations and tons of easter eggs in their videos, so I watched them all. 😅 

Wait but why is a blog by Tim Urban, a blogger writing “about his psychological shortcomings”.

The truth is that any of the topics he takes is dissected in unique details and is extremely interesting to read, even if the length of a post could be very long. P.s. check out his Ted talk.

TED is by far the organisation I followed for longer. You can find hundreds of inspiring talks there. I like to watch one a day

Ted-ed is the educational section of TED, designed for students (learners), teachers and parents. Dedinitely advised to keep the curiosity up.

Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher, New York Times best-selling author.

He is the host of the Making sense Podcast, where conversation are held regarding meaningful topics. He also created the Waking Up app,  the best meditation app I used so far.

CGP Grey is an American-Irish educational YouTuber and podcaster whose channel features short explanatory videos on varying subjects, including politics, geography, economics, history, and culture. 

His humour is enjoyable and the quality of the information high. And I enjoy his stick figures. 😁

Veritasium is a youtube channel, its author states: "I make videos about any area of science that interests me (and that's all of it)".

The result is a channel full of very interesting videos, able to fully grab your attention for its full length. Definitely worth watching as one-shot or full on marathon :)

Tim Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and one of Fortune’s “40 under 40.” 

After i read the 4-hour workweek I understood that I could learn a lot from him. The Tim Ferriss Show is something to follow, every guest and conversation is extremely interesting.

80000 hours podcast

Directly connected with the Effective Altruism movement, 80000h is a reminder of how many hours we spend working in our life. How to use those hours to do the most useful impact in the world? This is what is discussed here.

They have a well curated job board, where to find your high-impact job!

Ted Radio Hour is a podcast run weekly on npr.

The format is generally a 1-h conversation where several TED speakers are interviewed for a few minutes on a topic, presenting parts of their talks. Strongly advised to browse the whole archive, is exceptionally inspiring and enlightening.

ElectroBOOM is a must if you have a passion about electronics or electric circuits in general.

The author's approach is hilarious but also very scientifically accurate, great way to spend some time learning.


Around IT in 256 seconds

This podcast is a great way to get some knowledge about IT topics in "pills", or to refresh your knowledge about the technologies behind the IT world.

Each episodes lasts a bit more than 4 minutes, so no excuses for not trying!

Last week tonight

I am not a fan of news, but if there is a way I like to get updates on what's going on in the USA, and some major news about the world, this show makes things funny while going into the right level of details.

After watching one episode, you'll know what I am talking about! 

Sam Schillace is CVP, Deputy CTO at Microsoft

Sam has an incredible CV and at some point decided to start a weekly newsletter: Sunday Letters, which he defines ln this way: "Letters to my younger self about engineering and organizational patterns and first principles."

James Clear is the author of Atomic Habits

James runs The 3-2-1 Newsletter  “The most wisdom per word of any newsletter on the web.”

Each message includes 3 short ideas from me, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question for you to ponder.

Italian channels

Qui listo una serie di divulgatori italiani che seguo regolarmente, e che si distinguono per qualitá, originalitá, o che semplicemente mi piacciono.

Breaking Italy é un canale youtube dove Shy presenta ogni giorno alcune notizie recenti contestualizzandole ed eventualmente aggiungendo la propria opinione dopo aver raccontato i fatti.

Anche il suo Podcast é molto interessante, e lo consiglio vivamente.

Curiuss é un canale di divulgazione scientifica curato dal'associazione Atelier, e Alan Zamboni presenta in modo divertente e accurato complessi problemi di fisica, contestualizzando anche la loro evoluzione storica. 

Da vedere da solo o in compagnia, vi fará sorridere di certo.

Barbascura X é un ricercatore che ha deciso di dedicarsi alla creazione di contenuti multimediali.

Sul suo canale potete trovare interessanti video di divulgazione scientifica ("scienza brutta") ma anche contenuti piú leggeri. Decisamente da seguire!

Per molti anni ho seguito Natalino Balasso e ancora continuo a farlo.

Lui, da attore e comico, fa video satirici che sono un mix tra problemi attuali e problemi e problemi esistenziali, facendo ragionare oltre che ridere. Fortemente consigliato.

Dario Bressanini é stato il primo divulgatore che ho conosciuto in italia, e sono sempre felice di ascoltarlo parlare. Si concentra principalmente sul cibo, ma anche sulla chimica in generale essendo un ricercatore

Non é piú molto attivo su youtube, anche se  mentre posta regolarmente contenuto su instagram

Domande al Nutrizionista

 Stefano Vendrame é il nutrizionista divulgatore migliore che ho trovato sul web, la qualitá e attenzione ai dettagli delle sue esposizioni é impressionante e il supo senso dell'umorismo mi piace molto.Cura anche un sito dove si puó trovare molto altro materiale.

Marco Montemagno é un imprenditore e showman italiano che vive a Brighton (UK), produce sia dei brevi video (youtube) che vertono in genere sul marketing, produce un podcast (Spotify) con personaggi anche illustri e scrive.

Give it a shot, come direbbe lui :)

Simone Albrigi - Sio é un fumettista che ee diventato popolare grazie ad una serie di parodie e video assurdi su youtube (scottecs).

 Adesso produce cartoni animati per  cartoon network, fa fumetti e ogni giorno pubblica una striscia su instagram (instasio). Contenuto generalmente leggero ma che a volte fa pensare.


Effective altruism is about doing good better.

Our resources are limited, so we have to use them wisely. Effective altruism is the project of:

1) Using evidence and reason to find the most promising causes to work on.

2) Taking action, by using our time and money to do the most good we can.

"Mr Money Mustache is a thirtysomething* retiree who now writes about how we can all live a frugal yet Badass life of leisure."

I focused attention on financial freedom for several years, and this community is an excellent place. Not only the blog but also the forum is something I advise anyone to look at.

LunchClub is a site that allows “professional speed dating” 😎

I’ve been using for a while, and it’s proven to be an efficient online tool to network with other professionals, strangers, just as I’d do at a conference. You can select your tags and your time slots, and the system will set up a meeting with your match! 

Are you afraid to speak in public or you wonder how big speakers manage to keep their audience engaged? Or you want to be able to speak more confidently?

 Toastmasters promotes communication, public speaking and leadership. They are spread in almost all countries and are friendly communities to frequent. Here are some tips 😉 🥂

Pint of Science is a worldwide festival that is about scientific communication. Professors and phd candidates all around the world organise are called to talk in pubs while the audience can "get a pint".

You can also check out its podcast, there are many interesting talks there too.

Best Alumni Network is a community dedicated to the alumni of BEST, a student organisation that spreads through Europe, like several others.

Joining those helped me unlocking many of my skills and boosted my curiosity towards getting to know more  people and opening my mind to the world.