Current work

When is monetary policy more powerful? (with Robert Goodhead and Dilan Aydin Yakut)

[First version]

The Central Bank Crystal Ball: Temporal Information in Monetary Policy Communication (with Robert Goodhead, Conor Parle and Michael McMahon)

[latest version] [Replication code] [CEPR Discussion Paper] [Central Bank of Ireland Research Technical Paper] [VoxEU column]

Measuring the Temporal Dimension of Text: An application to Policymaker Speeches (with Robert Goodhead, Conor Parle and Michael McMahon)

[latest version] [Replication code] [CEPR Discussion Paper] [Central Bank of Ireland Research Technical Paper] [SUERF Policy Brief]

Published papers

How Does Monetary Policy Pass-Through Affect Mortgage Default? Evidence from the Irish Mortgage Market (with Robert Kelly and Conor O'Toole, 2022)

[Journal of Money, Credit and Banking] [Central Bank of Ireland Research Technical Paper]

Non-linearity in the wage Phillips curve: Euro area analysis (with Zivile Zekaite, 2020)

[Economics Letters] [Central Bank of Ireland Economic Letter] [ECB Occasional Paper]

Bank asset quality and monetary policy pass-through (with Robert Kelly, 2019)

[Applied Economics] [ESRB Working Paper] [Central Bank of Ireland Research Technical Paper]

Monetary policy expectations and risk-taking among U.S. banks (with Robert Kelly, 2019)

[Central Bank of Ireland Research Technical Paper]

Household Formation and Tenure Choice: Did the Great Irish Housing Bust Alter Consumer Behaviour? (with John FitzGerald and David Duffy, 2018)

[Economic and Social Review] [ESRI Working Paper]

The Impact of Changes in Educational Attainment on Life Expectancy in Ireland (with John FitzGerald and Nusa Znuderl, 2013)

[Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland] [ESRI Working Paper]

Policy papers

Transmission of monetary policy: bank interest rate pass-through in Ireland and the euro area (with Sorcha Foster, 2023)

[Central Bank of Ireland Economic Letter] [SUERF Policy Brief]

The interest rate exposure of mortgaged Irish households (with Edward Gaffney and Fergal McCann, 2023)

[Central Bank of Ireland Financial Stability Note]

Covid-19: Bank credit conditions and monetary policy (with Sarah Holton and Conor Parle, 2020)

[Central Bank of Ireland Economic Letter]

Euro area longer term inflation expectations revisited (with Zivile Zekaite, 2019)

[Central Bank of Ireland Economic Letter]

Euro Area Slowdown - a Country-Sector Analysis (with Conor Parle, 2019)

[Article in Central Bank of Ireland Quarterly Bulletin]