
I am (tenured) Assistant Professor (Profesor Permanente Laboral) in the Department of Economics at the University of Oviedo.

My main line of research is tourism economics. I am interested in the analysis of consumer preferences over tourism services from a microeconomic viewpoint and the economic impacts of tourism development on regional economies. 

My other research interests include household economics, behavioral economics, and the analysis of efficiency and productivity. Nonetheless, I have been involved in different topics and projects.

I am member of the Editorial Boards of Annals of Tourism Research and Tourism Economics.  I am also member of the Network of Emerging Scholars for Tourism and Hospitality (NEST), leaded by Florian Kock, Alexander Josiassen and Astrid Noerfelt from Copenhagen Business School.

I collaborate with the Sistema de Información Turística de Asturias as a Research Associate and I am regular collaborator (Colaborador Habitual) of the Spanish blog Nada es Gratis.

Short Background

In 2015 I received my bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Oviedo and then I obtained a inter-universitary master's degree in Instruments for Economic Analysis from the University of the Basque Country, the University of Cantabria and the University of Oviedo.  I am PhD in Economics since October 2020. I did two short pre-doctoral stays at the University of Verona in 2018 and 2019 and a short post-doctoral stay at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism in Rimini (University of Bologna) in 2022.