

Conference and Invited Papers and Seminars (2017-present)

(NB Listed in reverse chronological order)




Date: 28 July 2023 

Location: University of Macao, Macau 

Event: Invited plenary, 6th Global English Education China Assembly 

Title: Emergent STEM lecturer identities: The shaping effects of EMI in action 

Date: 27 April 2023 

Location: Centre of Discourse Studies, Barcelona 

Event: Invited talk 

Title: La interseccionalidad: un viaje crítico por raíces y rutas 

Date: 21 March 2023 

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra 

Event: Jornades Interunversitàries de Recerca en Didàctica de la Lengua i Literatura 

Title: Las entrevistas de investigación examinadas críticamente: un viaje autobiográfico 

2022 (11)

Date:  25/10/22

Location: Difusión (online)

Event: Invited talk  

Title: La identidad y la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español

Date:  18/11/22

Location: Beijing Normal University (online)

Event: Invited talk

Title: Identity in the 21st century: The same old and new challenges and opportunities?

Date:  15/07/22

Location: Gent, Belgium

Event: Sociolinguistics Symposium 24

Title: Discussion of panel: Sociolinguistics and the political economy: Ways forward  


Date:  13&14/07/22

Location: Palau Macaya, Barcelona

Event: ¿Tendría que ser directa la democracia?, Escola Europea d’Humantiats

Title: La manipulación en las sociedades


Date:  17/06/22

Location: Warwick University, UK

Event: Association for the teaching of Spanish in higher education in the UK, Annual conference

Title: La identidad en el siglo 20, la identidad en el siglo 21 y el aprendizaje del Español como L2


Date:  14/06/22

Location: University College London, Institute of Education, UK

Event: Invited talk

Title: The dark side of EMI?: a telling case for questioning assumptions about EMI in HE


Date:  26/05/22

Location: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Event: Roundtable, Language and neoliberal governmentality: Language in Society

Title: On the neoliberalisation of HE and its consequences

Date:  22/05/22

Location: Universitat Rovira i Virgili,  Reus, Spain

Event: Seminaris: Plà d’Igualtat de Gènere

Title: Feminisms: Erasures, tensions and possibilities (with John Gray)


Date: 16/05/22

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Invited talk, Infolex, Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge

Title: Chasing meaning through the comparison and contrast of theoretical and day-to-day uses of keywords: Lexicography by other means?


Date: 08/03/22

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Invited talk, Departament d’Humanitats

Title: Doing diaspora, class and identity: Some general thoughts and British and Spanish examples


Date: 28/01/22

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Invited talk for research students (Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge)

Title: Interrogating interviews

2021 (14)


Date:  16/09/21

Location: Sheffield Hallam University

Event: Invited plenary, 30th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference

Title: Toxic life: Understanding and dealing with crises and the permanent state of exception in hyper-mediatized times

Date:  16/09/21

Location: Sheffield Hallam University

Event: Paper on panel ‘Language, critique, and social justice in contemporary capitalism’, 30th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference

Title: Marxist political economy in CDS: The past, present and future

Date:  09/09/21

Location: Northumbria  University, Nottingham (UK)

Event: Invited Plenary, British Association of Applied Linguistics

Title: Identity in the 21st century: The same old and new challenges and opportunities.

Date:  09/07/21

Location: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Vilanova I la Geltru, Spain       

Event: Invited plenary, AELFE/TAPP European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes/Trans-Atlantic and Pacific Project

Title: English-medium instruction in (neoliberalized) higher education: Questioning some assumptions

Date: 02/07/21

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Event: Invited plenary, KATE 2021 International Conference

Title: English-medium instruction in higher education as a multi-layered phenomenon


Date: 16/04/21

Location: Chinese  University  of  Hong Kong

Event: Invited talk

Title: Identity in SLA


Date: 19/03/21

Location: City University of New York (CUNY), USA

Event: Invited talk, Sociolinguistics Lunch series, CUNY Graduate Center

Title: Class, race and critical language policy and planning in 21st century Catalonia


Date: 17/03/21

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Invited talk, Departament d’Humanitats

Title: Dealing with crises and the permanent state of exception in a toxic social media environment: The way we live today


Date: 04/03/21

Location: Universitat de Vic, Spain

Event: Symposium Internationalisation & Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Quality & Innovation

Title: NOT English teachers, except when they are: The curious case of oral presentation evaluation rubrics in an EMI-in-HE context. (with Guzman Mancho)

Date: 02/03/21

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Diàlegs Humanístics series

Title: Les xarxes socials i la comunicació avui dia: la vida en temps tòxics (with Frederic Guerrero)


Date: 11/02/21

Location: Michigan State University, USA 

Event: Invited talk

Title: On intersectionality


Date: 10/02/21

Location: Southampton University, UK

Event: Invited talk

Title: A critical look at English-medium education in and out of context 


Date: 05/02/21

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Invited talk for research students (Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge)

Title: Interrogating interviews

Date: 27/01/21

Location: University College London, Institute of Education, UK

Event: Invited talk

Title: Intersectionality: A critical journey through roots and routes 

2020 (5)


Date: 10/12/20

Location: National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia

Event: Invited keynote, Communication in Multicultural Society (CMSC 2020)

Title: Dealing with crisis in a toxic social media environment: The way we live today


Date: 17/11/20

Location: Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain

Event: Diàlegs sociolingüístics, Societat Catalana de Sociolingüístic,

Title: El racism i les micro-agressions racials (with Victor Corona)


Date: 05/11/20

Location: Universitat de Lleida, Spain

Event: Invited keynote, ICLHE Spain, Regional Group Symposium

Title: A critical look at emergent HE STEM lecturer identities in English-medium education: Food for thought

Date: 28/10/20

Location: University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA

Event: Invited talk

Title: Racial and raciolinguistic micro-aggressions in the counterstories of immigrants in Barcelona: A challenge to the notion of Spanish exceptionalism


Date: 02/10/20

Location: Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Event: Invited talk

Title: Thoughts on intersectionality as a thinking tool for applied linguists

2019 (13)

Date: 12/12/19

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Seminar, When the clown becomes king: the politics of humour and emotions in the age of populism

Title: Ciudadanos: A portrait in ridiculousness


Date: 26/11/19

Location: Uuniversità degli studi di Padova, Italy

Event: Invited talk

Title: The shaping effects of EMI in action: emergent STEM lecturer identities


Date: 25/11/19

Location: Uuniversità degli studi di Padova, Italy

Event: Invited talk

Title: Critical LPP and the intersection of class, race and language policy and practice in twenty first century Catalonia


Date: 11/11/19

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Invited talk

Title: ‘Post-truth', fake news, agnotology and other related phenomena


Date: 12/09/19

Location: Cambridge University, UK

Event: Invited keynote, Multilingualism and Identity: Interdisciplinary Perspective

Title: Emergent STEM lecturer identities: the shaping effects of EMI in action in an internationalised and Englishised HE context


Date: 17/06/19

Location: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Event: Migration, Language, and Practices. Challenges in the 21st Century

Title: A spanner in the works: Micro-racism and challenges to discourses of exceptionality   with regard to the integration of immigrants in Spain (with Victor Corona)


Date: 05/06/19

Location: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Event: V Simposio Internacional EDiSo

Title: Comments on the theme: ‘Para que sirve y por qué enseñar Análisis de Discurso’

Date: 21/05/19

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Invited talk

Title: What can we believe? On post truth, agnotology, lying, misleadingness and other related phenomena

Date: 27/04/19

Location: EMI lecturers and English language teacher type activity: Conflicting self-positionings Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Event: ELT research in action

Title: EMI lecturers and English language teacher type activity: Conflicting self-positionings


Date: 11/04/19

Location: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Event: Niu de support per a treballs de grau de la Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística

Title: I què puc dir jo?: primeres passes en la recerca


Date: 23/01/19

Location: University of Cologne, Germany

Event: Invited talk

Title: The political economy of language education research (or the lack thereof): Nancy Fraser and the case of translanguaging


Date: 11/01/19

Location: University of Stockholm, Sweden

Event: Workshop for the ‘Widening participation research and practice network’, University of Stockholm

Title: Issues in research on widening participation and the children of immigrants in higher education in European contexts


Date: 09/01/19

Location: University of Stockholm, Sweden

Event: Keynote, for the symposium, The role of English at a multilingual university

Title: The shaping effects of EMI in action: emergent STEM lecturer identities

2018 (19)

Date: 11/12/18

Location: University College London, Institute of Education, UK

Event: Invited talk

Title: Some thoughts on CDS and its Marxist political economy bases


Date: 10/12/18

Location: Southampton University, UK

Event: Invited talk

Title: The political economy of language education research (or the lack thereof): Nancy Fraser and the case of translanguaging

Date: 09/11/18

Location: University of Bern, Switzerland

Event: Dynamics of (im)mobilities and discursive practices in the 21st century

Title: Comment on the panel: ‘Voces emergentes de la diaspora’

Date: 08/11/18

Location: University of Bern, Switzerland

Event: Dynamics of (im)mobilities and discursive practices in the 21st century

Title: Reflecting on intersectionality in the dynamics of (im)mobility and discursive practices in the 21st century


Date: 07/11/18

Location: University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Event: Invited talk

Title: Some thoughts on the political economy of scientific publications

Date: 06/11/18

Location: Université de Genève, Switzerland

Event: Invited talk

Title: The social, political and economic background and implications of multilingualism in society

Date: 26/10/18

Location: Universitat de València, Spain

Event: Invited talk, Marx bicentennial series

Title: Una perspectiva Marxista sobre el Análisis Crítico del Discurso


Date: 29/08/18

Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Event: Invited keynote, Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe Project, Interdisciplinarity and the future of multilingualism research

Title: About interdisciplinarity and the future of multilingualism research

Date: 22/06/18

Location: Edinburgh Napier University, UK

Event: New discourses of populism and nationalism

Title: ¡Viva España! redux:  The Catalan independence movement and the rise of the right-wing Spanish nationalist party Ciudadanos 


Date: 13/06/18

Location: L’Ateneu, Barcelona

Event: La construcció lingüística de la realitat: reptes per a entendre el món a l'era de “la postveritat".

Title: Sobre la postveritat


Date: 15/05/18

Location: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Event: Taula rodona: Perspectives crítiques sobre internacionalització, globalització i educació lingüística

Title: Textbooks and the neoliberal citizen

Date: 04/05/18

Location: Maynooth, Ireland

Event: The (re)Birth of Marxism: Haunting the future

Title: Class and the Catalan independence movement: Some interesting developments

Date: 04/04/18

Location: Universitat de Lleida, Spain

Event: Niu de support per a treballs de grau de la Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística

Title: I què puc dir jo?


Date: 16/03/18

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Event: Invited talk

Title: ‘Post-truth’: Nothing new


Date: 02/02/18

Location: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Event: Invited talk

Title: La ‘posverdad’: Algunas reflexiones sobre una palabra de moda


Date: 26/01/18

Location: Escola d’Idiomes Moderns, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Event: Invited keynote: Jornadas de formación para profesores de lenguas

Title: Els llibres de text i el ciutadà neoliberal


Date: 23/01/18

Location: University College London, Institute of Education, UK

Event: Invited talk

Title: 'Post-truth', agnotology and political discourses in Spain


Date: 22/01/18

Location: University College London, Institute of Education, UK

Event: Book launch talk: Political Economy and Sociolinguistics

Title: Talking to Political Economy and Sociolinguistics


Date: 22/01/18

Location: University College London, Institute of Education, UK

Event: Invited workshop

Title: Doing identity research: A discussion of opportunities and limitations.

2017 (11)


Date: 14/11/17

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Event: Language Policies in Spain: Multidisciplinary/Critical Approaches

Title:  Critical LPP, political economy and the intersection of class and race in Catalonia


Date: 14/10/17

Location: Cali, Colombia

Event: Invited plenary, ASOCOPI, 2017

Title:  Neoliberal rationalities, the co-opting of cosmopolitanism and the neoliberal citizen in English language teaching materials

Date: 02/10/17

Location: Palau Macaya, Barcelona, Spain

Event: Invited paper, l’Escola Europea d’Humanitats

Title:  El món de la ‘postveritat’: Algunes reflexions sobre una paraula de moda


Date: 28/06/17

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Event: EDISO conference

Title:  Neoliberal rationalities, model citizens and the co-opting of interculturalism and cosmopolitanism

Date: 28/06/17

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Event: EDISO conference

Title:  Discussant paper: La institucionalització de l’anglès com a llengua franca en els sistemes universitaris

Date: 27/06/17

Location: Universitat Rovira i Virgili,  Reus, Spain

Event: Invited paper, Lenguaje y profesiones seminar

Title:  Post-truth and language in the professions


Date: 23/05/17

Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Event: Invited paper

Title:  Post-truth?: Nothing new


Date: 22/04/17

Location: Universitat Rovira i Virgili,  Tarragona, Spain

Event: VII Congrés Català de Sociologia

Title:  Post-truth: Nothing new really

Date: 22/04/17

Location: Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Event: Invited plenary, ELTRIA Conference

Title:  ‘All research is autobiographical’ and ‘know thyself’: Exploring teacher identities as base for teacher generated research 


Date: 08/04/17

Location: Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico

Event: Invited plenary, Applied Linguistics Seminar 

Title:  Class in and for itself in neoliberal times: A possible research agenda for language studies


Date: 31/03/17

Location: Universitat de Lleida, Spain

Event: Invited plenary, III Jornada de benvinguda als nous doctorands de la Universitat de Lleida

Title: ‘Post-truth’: Academic research, the real world and PhD study