
028 9097 3076

Office: Lanyon South 01.026

Mathematical Sciences Research Centre

Queen's University Belfast

University Road



I am a Senior Lecturer in pure mathematics at Queen's University Belfast. I study algebraic topology, specifically stable homotopy theory, usually with either an equivariant or monoidal flavour. I am also interested in model categories, enriched category theory and homotopical algebra.

To give some keywords, past projects I have worked on include: classifying rational equivariant spectra in terms of an algebraic model, studying Bousfield localisations of model categories and how these localisations interact with monoidal products or framings by simplicial sets and spectra. I have research interests in homotopy functor calculus and persistent homology.

Outside of pure mathematics, I have also worked with the Polymer Processing Research Centre on the mathematical optimisation of rotational moulding.

Current position

Senior Lecturer - Queen's University Belfast

I joined Queen's University Belfast in January 2013. I am a member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Centre.

Past Positions and Grants

EPSRC First Grant

A two-year project on homotopy functor calculus. Details of the project can be found here.

EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow - University of Sheffield

A three-year research position at the University of Sheffield. Details of the project can be found here.

Postdoctoral Fellow - University of Western Ontario

An eighteen-month postdoctoral position at the University of Western Ontario.

Postdoctoral Fellow - MPIM

An eleven-month postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.

Ph.D - University of Sheffield

I received my Ph.D. in January 2008 from the University of Sheffield .

M.Math - University of Warwick

I received a first class Master of Mathematics degree in June 2004 from the University of Warwick .