Curriculum Vitae

My CV is also available as a pdf file here.


Born November, 3rd 1990, in Paris (France)

Nationality: French

Professional experiences

  • Post-doctoral Fellow in Atmospheric Sciences, 2018- 2020

Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)

Supervisors : Jiubin Chen (Tianjin University)

  • PhD student in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 2013-2017

Cosupervised Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP, France) and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM, Canada)

Supervisors : Pierre Cartigny (IPGP) , David Widory (UQAM)

Teaching experiences

​Teaching Assistant at Université Paris Diderot 7 2016 - 2017

  • Biology, Biochemistry and Geosciences, Undergraduate Level, 10h

  • Geophysics and Geochemistry Methods, Undergraduate Level, 16h

  • Physics and Chemistry for Geosciences I, Undergraduate Level, 12h

  • Introduction to Soil Sciences, Undergraduate Level, 10h

Teaching Assistant at Université du Québec à Montréal 2014 - 2015

  • Crystalline Rocks Geochemistry, Undergraduate Level, 60h

  • Geochemical Cycles, Undergraduate Level, 60h

  • Crystalline Rocks Geochemistry, Undergraduate Level, 90h


  • PhD Earth Science and Environment & Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2013-2017)

Cosupervision between Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris – Université Sorbonne Paris Cité & Université du Québec à Montréal(UQAM)

  • Masters Degree in Geochemistry with Honors (2011-2013)

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

  • ​Bachelor Degree in Biology and Geology with Honors (2008-2011)

Université Paris 7 Diderot


  • Mobility grant

Institut de Physique du Globe (2014)

  • Post Doctoral Fellowship - President's Initiation Fellowship Initiative (PIFI - Category C)

Chinese Academy of Science (2018)

Community service and memberships

  • Peer-Reviewing : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP), Environment Science and Technology (ES&T), Environment Science and Technology Letters (ES&TL), Atmospheric Research

  • Student helper / Coorganizer : Clumped isotopes Workshop (2017), Doors open day for the « Fête de la Science » at the IPGP (2016), Journées Jeunes Chercheurs 8 (JJC8) - Société françaises des isotopes (2015), GEOTOP international meeting (2015)

  • Membership : Societé Francaise des Isotopes Stables (SFIS), American Geophysical Union, European Association of Geochemistry