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Klein Tools continues to invest in U.S. manufacturing and is committed to maintaining its place as the favorite among electricians. Klein is the only major tool manufacturer worldwide focused on electrical and utility applications. No other manufacturer of hand tools and related products used in electrical applications makes more items in America than Klein Tools.

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Hand tools and power tools are used on jobsites and in production facilities to measure, cut, fasten, and form materials. Hand tools include clamps, cutting tools, measuring tools, hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches. They provide precise control and are used for tasks where power tools are cumbersome or where high amounts of force are not required. Power tools include cordless, corded, hydraulic, and air-powered drills, drivers, impact wrenches, saws, and finishing tools. They are used for tasks that are repeated (such as driving nails in sheetrock) or where high force and speed are required. Measuring and layout tools ensure workpieces are cut to the correct length and angle. Sockets and bits are used with wrenches, screwdrivers, and drills to create holes and drive fasteners. Tool tethers, balancers, and retractors secure tools to keep them close at hand when needed and help prevent injuries caused by dropped tools. Tool storage keeps tools secure and organized for quick access.

We've expanded our Tools and resources sections initially published on our homepage as a "frequently accessed tools and resources" drop down. This new format is now accessible from anywhere on the site

Below is a complete listing of all tools developed by GHG Protocol. Our tools enable companies to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their GHG emissions. Each tool reflects best-practice methods that have been extensively tested by industry experts. Many tools are accompanied by a PDF guidance document, which provides step-by-step guidance on the use of a tool and should be consulted first. Most companies will need to apply more than one tool to cover their emissions.

These tools are applicable to many industries and businesses regardless of sector.

Note: International emission factors for electricity use are no longer available from the GHGP website and can be purchased from the IEA.

The Pulp and Paper tool offers a collection of tools that cover the emission sources typically associated with a pulp and paper plant. It is a joint product of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations and the GHG Protocol.

Similar to G Suite, all Google Workspace plans provide a custom email for your business and include collaboration tools like Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Sites, and more. For additional details, visit our plans and pricing page.

The Alternative Fuels Data Center offers a large collection of helpful tools. These calculators, interactive maps, and data searches can assist fleets, fuel providers, and other transportation decision makers in their efforts to advance alternative fuels and energy-efficient vehicle technologies.

Since April 2020, the ACT-Accelerator partnership, launched by WHO and partners, has supported the fastest, most coordinated, and successful global effort in history to develop tools to fight a disease. With significant advances in research and developmentby academia, private sector and government initiatives, the ACT-Accelerator is on the cusp of securing a way to end the acute phase of the pandemic by deploying the tests, treatments and vaccines the world needs.

The .NET CLI uses manifest files to keep track of tools that are installed as local to a directory. When the manifest file is saved in the root directory of a source code repository, a contributor can clone the repository and invoke a single .NET CLI command to install all of the tools listed in the manifest files.

This command creates a manifest file named dotnet-tools.json under the .config directory. To add a local tool to the manifest file, use the dotnet tool install command and omit the --global and --tool-path options, as shown in the following example:

You typically add a local tool to the root directory of the repository. After you check in the manifest file to the repository, developers who check out code from the repository get the latest manifest file. To install all of the tools listed in the manifest file, they run the dotnet tool restore command:

The command that you use to invoke a tool might be different from the name of the package that you install. To display all of the tools currently installed on the machine for the current user, use the dotnet tool list command:

No advertising or promoting tools, brands, 25000 woodworking plans, your YouTube channel, etc. We don't mind if you post a link to a video on your youtube channel, we just ask these submissions are not your primary activity on the subreddit. We ratified this decision in a 2021 poll of users who overwhelmingly voted against allowing any promotion on the subreddit.

This is not a NSFW sub. Our members use r/tools at work, and if you put NSFW content in here (especially without tagging it NSFW) and a co-worker sees it, one of our members could get in trouble. Other people just don't want to see it, and there are kids here.

These Web-based tools are designed to assistscientists in their proposal and general data analysis efforts. TheHEASARC provides these tools as a service to the scientific community.(HEASoft/FTOOLS, a generallibrary ofFITS file utility programs andmission-specific data analysis tools can be found on ourSoftware page.)

A tool is an object that can extend an individual's ability to modify features of the surrounding environment or help them accomplish a particular task. Although many animals use simple tools, only human beings, whose use of stone tools dates back hundreds of millennia, have been observed using tools to make other tools.

Early human tools, made of such materials as stone, bone, and wood, were used for the preparation of food, hunting, the manufacture of weapons, and the working of materials to produce clothing and useful artifacts and crafts such as pottery, along with the construction of housing, businesses, infrastructure, and transportation. The development of metalworking made additional types of tools possible. Harnessing energy sources, such as animal power, wind, or steam, allowed increasingly complex tools to produce an even larger range of items, with the Industrial Revolution marking an inflection point in the use of tools. The introduction of widespread automation in the 19th and 20th centuries allowed tools to operate with minimal human supervision, further increasing the productivity of human labor. A hammer is one of the common and referred tools.

Anthropologists believe that the use of tools was an important step in the evolution of mankind.[6] Because tools are used extensively by both humans (Homo sapiens) and wild chimpanzees, it is widely assumed that the first routine use of tools took place prior to the divergence between the two ape species.[7] These early tools, however, were likely made of perishable materials such as sticks, or consisted of unmodified stones that cannot be distinguished from other stones as tools.

Stone artifacts date back to about 2.5 million years ago.[8] However, a 2010 study suggests the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis ate meat by carving animal carcasses with stone implements. This finding pushes back the earliest known use of stone tools among hominins to about 3.4 million years ago.[9] Finds of actual tools date back at least 2.6 million years in Ethiopia.[10] One of the earliest distinguishable stone tool forms is the hand axe.

Up until recently, weapons found in digs were the only tools of "early man" that were studied and given importance. Now, more tools are recognized as culturally and historically relevant. As well as hunting, other activities required tools such as preparing food, "...nutting, leatherworking, grain harvesting and woodworking..."[11] Included in this group are "flake stone tools".

Tools are the most important items that the ancient humans used to climb to the top of the food chain; by inventing tools, they were able to accomplish tasks that human bodies could not, such as using a spear or bow to kill prey, since their teeth were not sharp enough to pierce many animals' skins. "Man the hunter" as the catalyst for Hominin change has been questioned. Based on marks on the bones at archaeological sites, it is now more evident that pre-humans were scavenging off of other predators' carcasses rather than killing their own food.[12]

Many tools were made in prehistory or in the early centuries of recorded history, but archaeological evidence can provide dates of development and use.[13][14][15].mw-parser-output .div-col{margin-top:0.3em;column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .div-col-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .div-col-rules{column-rule:1px solid #aaa}.mw-parser-output .div-col dl,.mw-parser-output .div-col ol,.mw-parser-output .div-col ul{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .div-col li,.mw-parser-output .div-col dd{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}

Other important uses of metal parts were in firearms and threaded fasteners, such as machine screws, bolts, and nuts. There was also the need for precision in making parts. Precision would allow better working machinery, interchangeability of parts, and standardization of threaded fasteners. The demand for metal parts led to the development of several machine tools. They have their origins in the tools developed in the 18th century by makers of clocks and watches and scientific instrument makers to enable them to batch-produce small mechanisms. Before the advent of machine tools, metal was worked manually using the basic hand tools of hammers, files, scrapers, saws, and chisels. Consequently, the use of metal machine parts was kept to a minimum. Hand methods of production were very laborious and costly and precision was difficult to achieve.[29][30] With their inherent precision, machine tools enabled the economical production of interchangeable parts.[27][28][31] be457b7860

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