David Thien Anh Luong Business Top 5 Books on Leadership For Entrepreneurs

If you want to run a successful enterprise, you have to always be a wonderful leader. Your team is one of your biggest assets, and to be able to maintain a healthy team spirit and have the team work towards a common goal, you should be able to lead them in an inspiring manner. You should understand David Luong Perth Why It Is Important to Have a Strong Team of the Senior Executives in A Business. So, if you are new to business and wish to enhance your knowledge of leadership skills, then these 5 books on leadership will act as the perfect guide for you.

The Top 5 Leadership Books To Read

1.  How To Win Friends & Influence People

Author: Dale Carnegie

Year Of Publishing: 1936

Goodreads Rating: 4.2/5

When it comes to the self-help genre, there is no author who can match the Carnegie brilliance. An extraordinary book that should be on the reading list of every single person, whether an entrepreneur or not, this one is a charm on its own.

2.  The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them, And People Will Follow You

Author: John C. Maxwell

Year Of Publishing: 1998

Goodreads Rating: 4.2/5

As the title suggests, the author expertly walks you through the 21 exemplary laws that act as guiding stones toward becoming an inspiring leader. It helps you to realize the areas where you need to make improvements and the habits that can create an impact on your team.

3.  Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Author: Simon Sinek

Year Of Publishing: 2009

Goodreads Rating: 4.1/5

If you want to know how the greatest leaders in the world think, act and communicate, this book can guide you through all that. It is the perfect leadership book to start with if you are new to the business world.

4.  Leading Change: An Action Plan from the World's Foremost Expert on Business Leadership

Author: John Kotter

Year Of Publishing: 1996

Goodreads Rating: 4/5

If you are looking for a guide on leadership and management from the best, then this book is what you need to read. The secret strategy on how you can become a master in your industry has inspired numerous organizations over time.

5. The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations

Author: Barry Posner and James M. Kouzes

Year Of Publishing: 2012

Goodreads Rating: 4/5

Another interesting book that provides deep insight into how an organization can work extraordinarily under the right leadership; this book is a true gem in all sense. It will be a fantastic addition to your bookshelf if you plan on becoming iconic.


In conclusion, these are among the most interesting books to read on leadership. By reading these books, you can improve your ideas on leading your organization toward progress. These also help you form the right team through David Thien Anh Luong Business 7 Qualities to Look For While Hiring Employees.