
For a full publication list see my Google Scholar page. 

Tort Liability and Unawareness , (with Surajeet Chakravarty, and Joshua Teitelbaum), Internation Economic Review, forthcoming.

Reverse Bayesianism and Act Independence , (with Surajeet Chakravarty and Joshua Teitelbaum), Journal of Economic Theory, 2022, 203, 105495.

"Testing Dynamic Consistency and Consequentialism in the Presence of Ambiguity",.  (with Han Bleichrodt, Chen Li, Jürgen Eichberger and Simon Grant), European Economic Review, 2021,.134, 103687.

" Ambiguity when Playing Coordination Games across Cultures", (with Jo Peryman), Theory and Decision, 2021, 90, 485--505.

".  Contests with Ambiguity ", (with Tigran Melkonyan), Oxford Economic Papers, 2018, 70, 1148-1169.

"Strategic Substitutes, Complements and Ambiguity: An Experimental Study", (with Sara LeRoux), 2018, Theory and Decision, 84, 387-404.

"Ambiguity and Accident Law", (with Surajeet Chakravarty),  Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2017, 19, 97-120. 

."Dragon Slaying with Ambiguity", (with Sara LeRoux), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2017, 19, 178-197.

"Randomization and Dynamic Consistency", (with Jürgen Eichberger and Simon Grant), Economic Theory, 2016, 62, 547-566

"Optimism and Pessimism in Games", (with Jürgen Eichberger), International Economic Review, 2014, 55, 483-505.

Asymmetric Momentum Effects Under Uncertainty" (with Roman Kozhan and Wei Pang), Review of Finance, 2011, 15, 603-631.

"The α-MEU Model: A Comment",  (with Jürgen Eichberger, Simon Grant and Gleb Koshevoy), Journal of Economic Theory, 2011, 146, 1684-1698.

."Sequential Two-Player Games with Ambiguity, " (with Jürgen Eichberger),  International Economic Review, 2004, 45, 1229-1261.

"Ambiguity in Partnerships," (with Willy Spanjers), Economic Journal, 2004, 114, 528-546.

Strategic Complements, Substitutes and Ambiguity: The Implications for Public Goods," (with Jürgen Eichberger), Journal of Economic Theory, 2002, 106, 436-466.

"Non-Additive Beliefs and Strategic Equilibria," (with Jürgen Eichberger), Games and Economic Behaviour, 2000, 30, 183-215.

"Induced Preferences, Non-Additive Probabilities and Multiple Priors, Induced Preferences, Non-Additive Probabilities and Multiple Priors," (with Frank Milne), International Economic Review, 1999, 40, 455-477.

"Uncertainty Aversion and Preference for Randomisation," (with Jürgen Eichberger), Journal of Economic Theory, 1996, 71, 31-43.

"Uncertainty Aversion and Dynamic Consistency," (with Jürgen Eichberger), International Economic Review, 1996, 37, 625-640.

"The Arbitrage Pricing Theorem with Non-Expected Utility Preferences", (with Frank Milne), Journal of Economic Theory, 1995, 65, 557-574.

"Dutch Book Arguments and Learning in a Non-Expected Utility Framework", International Economic Review, 1995, 36, 187-206.

"Choice Under Partial Uncertainty", International Economic Review, 1993, 34, 297-308.

"The Economics of Chaos", Oxford Economic Papers, 1988, 40, 1-31, Reprinted in F. Hahn (ed.), The Economics of Missing Markets, Information and Games, OUP.