A look at premises liability in the context of restaurants

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Image source: hospitalityrisksolutions.com

Premises liability cases center on accidents that happen in certain places. In this blog post, Attorney David Cates discusses premises liability in restaurants.

Restaurants are open to the public; thus, anyone can enter their premises. This also means that restaurants must ensure that their place is safe to visit.

Accidents where people slip or fall are very common, as wet floors or broken tiles can happen at any time. To avoid such accidents, restaurants must take proper care of the areas surrounding their business. In addition, if any slip and fall accidents occur on their property, they can be held liable by the victims or their families, explains David Cates.

Owners are responsible for making sure that their restaurant is safe to visit at all times. This includes checking flooring regularly for any damage or issues that might cause accidents. Carpeting, tiling, and wooden flooring are particularly common types of flooring that can be hazardous if damaged. If the owner fails to check for damage regularly, they could be held responsible for any injuries caused by their negligence.

Similarly, if someone is hurt by a loose piece of furniture or artwork on the restaurant's wall, the owner could be held liable for this.

If a waiter or cook fails to take proper caution and injures someone while working, the restaurant might be held responsible. For example, a common case of negligence is leaving hot food out on counters for too long. If someone nearby spills the dish on themselves due to not noticing it, the restaurant is partially responsible.

Furthermore, Attorney David Cates mentions that restaurants can also be held liable if they serve alcohol to minors or intoxicated adults. Then these people get injured in car crashes because of their intoxication.

In any case, if a person is injured in a restaurant due to the negligence of others, they may be able to file for damages. Injured individuals should discuss their situation with an attorney who specializes in premises liability cases.

Trial lawyer David Cates focuses on nationally recognized complex personal injury cases, including class action and mass torts lawsuits, among others. Learn more about him and his practice by visiting this website.