17 4 0 1 99 Nice, springy foliage.17 1 0 1 99 That's one big plant!17 2 0 1 99 The plant doesn't respond, it only listens quietly. (Maybe it's a plant for the FBI.)3 4 0 1 99 Ouch! Those plants are prickly!3 1 0 1 99 The attractive foliage probably makes your average suspect feel much better about his or her plight. 3 2 0 1 99 The plants are grateful for your kind words. Usually, all they get is spit on.8 4 0 1 99 You press the entry buzzer alerting the guard inside that you wish to enter. 8 1 0 1 99 This is the button you push to gain entry to the jail. 7 4 0 1 99 The management would prefer that you not muck about with the camera (even if you COULD reach it).7 1 0 1 99 The surveillance camera allows Paul, the booker on the day shift, to make sure that nothing funny is going on. 9 1 2 1 99 It's your personal vehicle. It looks kind of strange here.9 1 1 1 99 It's your patrol car. Surely you recognize it by now. 9 1 3 1 99 It's your unmarked vehicle.15 1 0 1 99 Although an attractive gentleman, this guy's bad news. Now he can be bad news in jail. 18 4 0 1 99 You don't need to hold up the column, Bonds. It's sturdy enough.18 1 0 1 99 Decorative columns nicely frame the jailhouse door. No doubt the prisoners appreciate them.21 2 4 1 2 Okay, I want the two of you to move over by the door...NOW! 21 2 4 2 56 You'd better enjoy this bust, you porcine piece of crap. Your time in this town is limited. 21 2 4 3 2 Well, my day would be pretty dull if I didn't get opportunities to spend time with such special citizens as yourself. In this line of work a good laugh is always appreciated. Now put a muzzle on it, funny man. 10 4 0 1 99 You can't open it yourself.10 1 0 1 99 That's the remote-controlled door to the jail interior. 4 4 0 1 99 Now's no time to be making an asphalt out of yourself.4 1 0 1 99 The asphalt serves as a fine driveway.13 1 0 1 99 Boy, this guy's a mess.13 2 9 1 2 Ok, buddy, your new room is waiting. Go on inside. 13 2 9 2 13 Ah, a nice nap...(hic!).13 2 5 1 2 Ok, buddy, out of the car. You're home now. 13 2 5 2 13 Ok, Ossifer. Can do. No problemo. Always willing to co.. coor... cooper... do whatever you say. 13 2 4 1 2 Please stand over by the door. 13 2 4 2 13 Sshure thing, Ossifer...no problemo... just want to coorp... cooper... do what you just said. 1 4 0 1 99 Hmm, nice and sturdy. You wouldn't want to try going over that fence. Just thinkng about it makes you want to cross your legs.1 1 0 1 99 That's the razor wire fence enclosing the jail's exercise yard. 19 4 0 1 99 You briefly consider picking a tulip to give to somebody special, but you prefer to keep up appearances and not be seen carrying flowers.19 1 0 1 99 Why do they even bother to plant flowers around the jail? The prisoners can't see 'em and the cops couldn't care less. There's probably some sort of asinine ordinance. 14 1 0 1 99 This guy's truly bad news. He'd cut your throat in a second, which is probably only twice as fast as he'd cut his own mother's. 14 2 9 1 2 Ok, get inside.14 2 5 1 2 C'mon, outta the car.14 2 5 2 17 Whoa! Tough guy. You screw up once, piggly-wiggly and I'll be all over you. 14 2 5 3 2 I'm not that kind of guy, but thanks for the compliment.14 2 5 4 17 Shove it, ham hock. 14 2 4 1 2 Okay, Hoffmeister, or whatever your name is today. Stand over by the door and don't give me any trouble.14 2 4 2 17 Oh, yessir, pardon me, sir, right away, sir. Hehe...you ever hear the way a pig squeals when it's been stuck? It's like music.11 4 0 1 99 Don't bother, it has a perfectly good foundation and interior columns to help hold it up.11 1 0 1 99 This is the Lytton County Jail.12 1 0 1 99 That's your new partner, Detective Laura Watts.12 2 6 1 6 Hey, Sonny. I'll take Laurel and Hardy inside while you take care of the car and your gun. 12 2 6 2 2 Ok, Laura. Don't let Frick and Frack give you a hard time.12 2 4 1 2 C'mon gentlemen. You don't want to keep a lady waiting, do you? Your castle awaits. 6 1 0 1 99 These are sidearm storage lockers. 5 4 0 1 99 Don't touch that concrete. You don't know where it's been.5 1 0 1 99 The sidewalk just happens to be conveniently located between the driveway and the jail entrance. Many an unwilling guest has marched down this very walkway. 16 1 0 1 99 This is that slimy little drug buyer you caught doing business at the Park. 23 0 7 1 99 Don't leave without booking your prisoner. It kind of defeats the purpose of the arrest.23 0 8 1 99 Aren't you forgetting something? Those police service revolvers are expensive. You shouldn't leave it behind in the locker.23 9 10 1 99 It would help to open the locker door before trying to lock up your revolver.2 4 0 1 99 Yup, nice and strong. Keeps perps in, keeps vandals out!2 1 0 1 99 That's the barred office window of the Lytton County Jail.

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