
One of my favorite parts of mathematics is sharing it with other people. I enjoy discussing mathematics with students in grades K-12, particularly when I have the opportunitiy to talk about an interesting concept unlikely to be covered in the standard school curriculum in a non-competitive atmosphere. I also appreciate opportunities to connect with undergraduate students who are still trying to figure out where mathematics might take them.

Ithaca High School Math Seminar

In the 2022-2023 academic year, I served as one of three graduate student instructors of the Ithaca High School Math Seminar. The math seminar is intended for advanced high school students who have exhausted the high school curriculum or are interested in learning more mathematics. I taught a two-month course on metrics and distances in-person at Ithaca High School from September-October 2022 and then repeated the course online in March 2023. I also mentored a high school student in a project about applications of the Banach fixed point theorem to Picard iteration. 

Discrete Mathematics Explorations (DIMEX)

In Fall 2022, I served as a co-mentor for weekend meetings of students in grades 5-8 to explore various aspects of discrete mathematics not usually encountered in the ordinary school curriculum. DIMEX (the website presently focuses on a previous iteration intended for older students) is founded and supported by Karola Meszaros and the NSF. 

Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Cornell

I am an active member of the Cornell AWM chapter. I was vice-president for the 2021-2022 school year and outreach co-chair for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years. Inspired by a Julia Robinson Math Festival (JRMF) I volunteered for in undergrad, I helped start a tradition of hosting a yearly JRMF at Cornell each spring. I also helped lead a workshoop for the New York State 4-H Career Explorations event in June 2021. I have also served as a mentor to undergraduates through Cornell AWM's Zig-Zag mentoring program. 

Math Circles

In undergrad, I helped out the Central Kentucky Math Circle during the Spring 2020 semester. I was also involved with various cohorts of the Ithaca Girls' Math Circle from 2018-2020. 

Math circle handouts I developed in undergrad:

Catalan Numbers     |     Knot Theory

Math Explorers' Club

In Fall 2019 I co-led a session of Math Explorers' Club on infinity and paradoxes. Math Explorers' Club introduces students in grades 8-12 to new mathematical concepts over the course of two Saturday workshops. The handouts used can be found on the linked webpage. 

Other Outreach Activities

I have also participated in a variety of other outreach activities. In Summer 2019, I helped lead Math Discovery Workshops (a program founded and led by the late Robert Strichartz) where a group of graduate students traveled to Ithaca elementary schools and presented engaging math lessons to the students. I have also previously been a volunteer for Girls' Adventures in Math (GAIM) and a mentor for Cornell's Directed Reading Program (DRP) for undergraduate students.