Dattatreya Mukherjee, MBBS
Hello, welcome in my webpage. My name is Dattatreya Mukherjee and I worked as a medical student at Jinan University, P.R China from 2016 to 2022. In June 2022, I will move to West Bengal University of Health Sciences as a Trainee-Intern.
Currently, I am mainly trying to find out the complex treatments with computational biology. We have got three inventory results and in that, one is already published as a patent.
I am finding a lab where I can master the modern Lab techniques. Please go through my profile, if you think I am eligible for your lab, kindly please message me.
Thank You for visiting to my web page.
Dr. Dattatreya Mukherjee
Dr. Dattattreya Mukherjee is an Intern in First Affiliated Hospital in Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R China. He is India's one of the top and renowned medical student and one of the top Indian FMGs. He has passed his FMGE in first attempt in Dec 2021. He is the incoming extern at West Bengal University of Health Sciences, India. He is a Research Assistant and Undergraduate Research Scholar in International School, Jinan University, P.R China. He is World's one of the Youngest Principal Investigator and he had conducted three Investigator Initiated Research in the field of Indian Public Health. His Research Interest is Oncology, Hemato-oncology, Parkinson's Disease, Cardiology and Indian Public Health. His work has been presented in the World's top Conferences including AACR, ASCO, BACR, ESC, American Society of Anesthesiology, ISMPOCON, ACG, ANA. ESC Asia etc and accepted in ACC 2022. He is serving as an Editorial Member of two New Journals, Global Journal of Medical Students and MARS Oncology. He is serving as a peer reviewer at Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, Harvard Public Health Review, Cureus, British Journal of Pharmacology, Clinical Case Reports, JCP, Dubai Medical Journal, Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology and National Medical Student Journal from UK and many more highly reputed journals. He has peer reviewed 50+ manuscripts, first medical student from West Bengal to peer review 50 manuscripts and second in India. He is also a top peer reviewer in Jinan University with a Publon rank 6. Globally he is the top 7% peer reviewer and top 1% yearly peer reviewer according to Publon-Web of Science. The First Medical Student from the field of oncology from India to be Ranked in one of the most Reputed Ranking System " AD Scientific Index" [Turkey], Record confirmed by India Book of Records on 25th NOV 2021. He has published 50+ Scientific Papers with 79 Citations, h index 4. He has been awarded 25 International and National Awards. He is among the very few medical students in the globe to be awarded from both ASCO and AACR. He serving as a student member in 23 International and National Societies and presented his research works in 50+ International and National Conferences. Expert Scape USA, has ranked him an expert in myocarditis in Guangzhou city and Jinan University as per his current research works in Myocarditis. Currently he is also serving as a National President at GCMER, China Chapter.
To Know More about his Scientific Work Please Follow him at Google Scholar and Research Gate, Pubmed.
CV [Above]: Updated on3rd February 2022. The current detail CV will be available on request.
He has worked in Oncology, Cardiology, Neurology and Public Health
Contact: dattatreyamukherjee4u@outlook.com, +919748805905
Office Address: 601 Huangpu Blvd W, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 510632
Current Affiliations:
International School, Jinan University, P.R China
First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, P.R China
Principal Investigator at CAT 2 Study
[Website: https://sites.google.com/view/covid-19analysisteam/home?authuser=0]
Dattatreya Mukherjee is world's one of the youngest Principal Investigator. Lead two projects as PI and one as Co PI. His first project CAT 1 study has got 24 Citations till 14th April 2022.
Dattatreya is a Clinician, Researcher, Inventor, Administrator. He has filed one patent. He has lead couple of webinars and workshops.
Dattatreya and his team has coined a new term, CovMyo in the field of medical literature. CovMyo means Cardiological manifestation due to COVID 19
To get my day to day Scientific Updates, Please follow me in Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin
My Experiences and training in different Institutes

Curriculum Vitae
Currently National President of GCMER, China Chapter: https://www.gcmer.com/gcmerglobal
Mentor at ACE MED Journal Club
Academic Secretary at South Asian Medical Students' Association [SAMSA]
Editor in
Global Journal of Medical Students: https://www.thegjms.org/journal/index.php/gjms/about/editorialTeam
MAR Oncology: https://www.medicalandresearch.com/board/Journal-of-MAR-Oncology
Social Media Editor at Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine (ERHM), Xia He publisher [ In Collab with Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, P,R China].

In the free time, I do read physics papers. One of my Interesting part of bubble mechanism in guinness beer. So, I had wrote what I have understood after reading many papers on it.
Our research on Cancer and COVID 19 has been featured in India Herald, India's second oldest news paper since 1795
National and International Society Member
➢ American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) ID: 676627
➢ American College of Physician (ACP) ID: 04030606
➢ European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) ID: 477575
➢ Royal College of physicians, London, (RCP) ID: 276483
➢ Royal College Of Surgeon, London ID: 9319266
➢ British Association of Cancer Research ID: BAC005918
➢ American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) ID: 1163786
➢ Royal College of Physician Edin, https://www.rcpe.ac.uk/user
➢ American Orthopedic Association [Elected Member]
➢ American College of Family Medicine ID: 9259766
➢ American Mathematical Society (AMS)
➢ Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow ID: 153755
➢ European Society of Cardiology: 1031391
➢ National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
➢ American College of Cardiology ID: 3233491
➢ American Academy of Neurology: 342131
➢ Royal College of Surgeon, Edin
➢ American College of Cardiology, Member ID: 3233491
➢ Royal College of Physicians, Ireland, ID: 93862
➢ British Society of Immunology, ID66376
➢ International Association of Oncology
➢ All India Council for Technical Skill Development
➢ National Institute For Technical Training and Skill Development