

Student Travel Grant Award, ACM MobiSys 2024

The Best Paper Award, Annual Symposium of KIPS 2024

The Best Research Matters Awards, Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) 

The Best Researcher Awards, Dept. of Applied Artificial Intelligence (SKKU) 


D&I Subsidies, EMNLP 2023

PhD Research Grants, the Basic Science Research Program (NRF)

International Research Grants, the International Research & Development Program (NRF)

KDD Student Travel Awards, ACM SIGKDD 2023

Full Scholarship, Intensive Artificial Intelligence Program in CMU (IITP)

1st Prize, the Prompton competition (Wrtn Technologies and Microsoft)

SKT AI Fellowship, SK Telocom

Magna Cum Laude, Dept. of Library and Information Science (SKKU, Undergraduate)

 IUI Travel Grant, ACM IUI 2023

The Best Researcher Awards, Dept. of Applied Artificial Intelligence (SKKU) 


The Best Award,  2022 Graduate Student Success Story Contest SKKU

The Korean Society For Breast Screening Presidential Award, AI imaging diagnosis development Hackathon

The Best Researcher Awards, Dept. of Applied Artificial Intelligence (SKKU) 

Summa Cum Laude (`22 Summer), Dept. of Applied Artificial Intelligence (SKKU, Undergraduate)

Magna Cum Laude (`22 Summer), Dept. of Applied Artificial Intelligence (SKKU, Undergraduate)

Magna Cum Laude (`22 Winter), Dept. of Applied Artificial Intelligence (SKKU, Undergraduate)

Scholarship, Amazon Science in AAAI-22


4th Prize,  Co-Deep Learning Project (SKKU)

PhD Research Grants, the Basic Science Research Program (NRF)

2nd Prize, Fake-EmoReact 2021 Challenge SocialNLP '21 & NACCL '21

3rd Prize, AI Bookathon (SKKU, Undergraduate)


3rd Prize,  AI Image Searching Assistant (ETRI AI Practice Tech Day 2020)