Welcome to the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab at SKKU 😄

DSAIL is an interactive group of professors, researchers, students, and industrial experts in the Department of Applied AI at Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea.

We are looking for highly-motivated graduated students, undergraduate interns, post-docs, and research professors. If you're interested in, please email us with your CV.

Research Topics

The main research topics of our group include, but not limited to:

Medical Computing

We aim to solve medical problems (e.g., in ophthalmology, nephrology, psychiatry, etc.)
with AI technologies.

Mental Health

We develop and evaluate new AI technologies to help people's mental health better.

Human-centered AI System

We propose and validate AI systems that can help people make decisions in a better way.

Latest News 

[May. 2024]

[Apr. 2024]

[Mar. 2024]

[Jan. 2024]

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