Call For Paper


Special Issue Call for Papers: Journal of Educational Data Mining (JEDM)

Guest Editors

Ryan S. Baker (Associate Editor), University of Pennsylvania

Neil T. Heffernan, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Thanaporn “March” Patikorn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Carol Forsyth, ETS

Irvin Katz, ETS

Aim of Special Issue

We invite paper submissions for a special issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Educational Data Mining that focuses on the scientific findings from the NAEP 2019 Data Mining Competition.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often referred to as The Nation’s Report Card, is the only assessment that measures U.S. student knowledge nationwide across academic subjects. The NAEP has collected data since 1969 and measures student success in urban, suburban and rural areas.

In 2019, The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) gave permission for ETS to provide a NAEP dataset for an educational data mining competition.The release of this data was part of a competition co-sponsored by the Big Data for Education Spoke of the NSF Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub and ETS. Over 89 participants entered the competition, with a total of 723 submissions. The goal of this competition was to understand effective and in-effective test-taking behaviors, and determine how quickly these behaviors can be detected. The full details of the competition can be found on the competition website.

In this special issue of the Journal of Educational Data Mining, we invite interested researchers to share their findings related to the competition’s publicly-released data sets, both in terms of data mining and education research, with the broader scientific community. Although we anticipate that many of the submissions will come from participants in the competition, this special issue is open to any researcher analyzing data from the competition’s data sets, which have remained available after the competition’s conclusion.

Relevant paper topics may include but are not limited to:

▪ Identifying student cognitive processes related to performance in assessments

▪ Identifying student strategies and behaviors during assessments

▪ Detecting strategies and behaviors of students taking assessments

▪ Detecting engagement while completing assessments

▪ Detecting gaming the system while completing assessments

▪ Interventions related to this competition

▪ Discoveries about machine learning, feature extraction and selection, and student modeling produced through participating in the competition

▪ Higher-level papers on the contributions of competitions such as this one to educational research

Review Process

As stipulated by JEDM reviewing guidelines, each submission will be peer-reviewed by three experts in the field. Reviewers will be selected from the JEDM Editorial Board, participants in the competition, and other researchers selected by the special issue organizers for their relevant expertise.

Submission Guidelines

We invite submissions of any length. Please see the JEDM submission guidelines. All submissions should be made through the JEDM article submission system.

Please note in your cover letter that your article is intended for this special issue.

For authors who have published initial versions of their results at the competition elsewhere, please note that we only can consider submissions that include at least 33% new material compared to previous publications.


Please submit all articles for consideration in this special issue by December 22, 2020.


Please direct any questions relevant to this special issue to