
Upcoming events & ways for the community to engage with the team and the work.

Ethics and Social Justice Rubric Workshop at Kennedy Library

May 5 and 6, 2022

Note that the SAME workshop is being held across two days to accommodate more schedules, and the same material will be covered on both days.

Our team will be hosting two workshops on Thursday, May 5 and Friday May 6 from 12-2:30 pm at Kennedy Library (room TBD). Lunch will be provided. Sign up for one workshop as they are repeat workshops. RSVP LINK for either date.

Workshop is funded by Cal Poly's Data Sciences Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) and will be facilitated by Cal Poly faculty members.

Data for ethics and social justice emerged from the larger Cal Poly Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) Program awarded by the division of Research, Economic Development & Graduate Education.

SLIDES from the workshop.


MAY 25, 2022, Biology Museum, 285 Fisher Hall

Join us to learn about the successful initiatives supported by the Cal Poly Strategic Initiatives in Data Science and Analytics. The event is for the Cal Poly and Cal Poly affiliates.

American society for engineering education (ASEE) paper Presentation

June 26-29, 2022

Members of our team will be sharing our work at the Annual ASEE conference in Minneapolis, MN. We'll post a version of the presenting paper and slides here shortly.

Info about the conference LINK.