Learn the Troubleshooting for QuickBooks Error 6073 (Resolved)

QuickBooks Error 6073 while accessing the company file does not allow you to work on the data file, which you're trying to open. These types of errors are the only drawbacks of the Quickbooks application. If you're getting the same glitch, don't worry because users can resolve it by using the methods suggested by experts. Some different causes can trigger this QuickBooks Error code 6073. Below, you'll get some potential methods by which you can eliminate the problem with ease.

What is QuickBooks Desktop Error 6073?

Error -6073 -816 usually appears on your computer screen when the user clicks to open a company file. With QuickBooks company file Error 6073, a statement pops up: "Quickbooks is unable to open the company file". Also, it shows that another user in the network is working on the company file.

Note: To communicate with the QB specialists, you can dial our toll-free number. Our QuickBooks Error Support team is always to help you out shortly.

What Provokes Quickbooks Error 6073 99001?

As we discussed, QuickBooks Enterprise error 6073 can occur for various reasons, and below are the primary triggers you should check out.

  • The hosted computer and workstations are using different versions of Quickbooks.

  • When the network computer is not getting a proper response from the hosting server, an error may occur.

  • Any issue with the Quickbooks database manager can also lead to the error 6073.

  • The network data file might be damaged.

  • A wrongly configured firewall setup can create an issue with this error easily.

  • A broken company file.

  • If the folder is created in a read-only framework.

How to Tackle QuickBooks Error 6073 99001?

Below are the methods you can try to resolve QuickBooks Error message 6073.

Method 1: Install and run Quickbooks file doctor-

Quickbooks File Doctor is an excellent tool to troubleshoot usual issues related to the company and network files.

  • First, download this tool from QB's official website.

  • After downloading, run the file with the .exe extension by double-clicking on that and carefully install the program.

  • Pick your company file facing an issue using the browse option and run Quick Fix My Program to remove the error 6073 -816.

Method 2: Check for QB hosting preferences-

  • Open the QB Desktop in your system.

  • Click the File menu and then the Utilities option.

  • In this section, if you see the Host multi-user access option, do not select it. Then, move to the next computer and check for the same.

  • In case you notice the Stop using multi-user access there, click on it. Repeat this procedure on all the workstations in the network where you meet Quickbooks error 6073.

Method 3: Check if the Firewall has blocked the communication-

  • Open the Firewall and go to the internet security settings.

  • Now follow the order of the clicks- Select Personal Firewall >> click on Parental Control Applications for QB updates.

  • This method will help the user with adequate access to software through the Firewall.

Method 4: The company file folder is in the Read-only status-

  • Move to the computer that consists of your company files.

  • Open the folder storing the company data files.

  • Right-click in the empty area of the folder and opt for Properties.

  • From the Properties page, select the Security tab.

  • In this section, you have to choose the user-facing issues while logging in.

  • Then click the Edit button.

  • Now put the ticks against Full control.

  • To end this process, click Apply >> OK.

Still unable to fix Intuit QB Error 6073?

We are hoping you have fixed QuickBooks Error 6073 99001 by going through the above troubleshooting methods. In case you face any hindrance while resolving the issue or need additional help from Quickbooks Support Team, you need to dial a toll-free number (800)-314-0226 anytime. Our experienced and trained executive will fix this issue for you shortly.