Notebooks are a common tool in data science and machine learning for developing code and presenting results. In Databricks, notebooks are the primary tool for creating data science and machine learning workflows and collaborating with colleagues. Databricks notebooks provide real-time coauthoring in multiple languages, automatic versioning, and built-in data visualizations.

Click Import. The notebook is imported and opens automatically in the workspace. Changes you make to the notebook are saved automatically. For information about editing notebooks in the workspace, see Develop code in Databricks notebooks.

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Notebooks are a common tool in data science and machine learning for developing code and presenting results. In Azure Databricks, notebooks are the primary tool for creating data science and machine learning workflows and collaborating with colleagues. Databricks notebooks provide real-time coauthoring in multiple languages, automatic versioning, and built-in data visualizations.

Use notebooks to build your data workflows and apps enabled with built-in visualizations, automatic versioning and real-time co-authoring capabilities. You should also try out importing, exporting and publishing notebooks. To find an interesting notebook to import, check out the Databricks Industry Solution Accelerators. These fully functional notebooks tackle the most common and high-impact use cases that you face every day. Start here: -industry-solutions

I use databricks for analytic work, and I have a lot of notebooks looking at different things. Right now they are listed in alphabetic order by the name of the notebook. How do I make the order display the most recently created/modified notebooks at the top?

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately the recently accessed notebooks doesn't work for me. Every time I leave databricks completely, when I come back in there are no recent notebooks listed. So it's been really really difficult for me to try and keep track of which ones I'm using. This is such a basic functionality, and it was surprising for me that I couldn't figure out how to do that. Do you know how I can suggest that as a new feature? Thanks so much! Barb

Usually someone from databricks will usually see the posts and will be able to guide you along. I remember there being an option where I can directly send feedback from the page I am working on. That option seems to have been removed. You could try this link which google suggests -

Deleted notebooks are moved to the user's Trash folder and stored there for 30 days. After 30 days have passed, the deleted notebooks are permanently removed and cannot be recovered. You can permanently delete the items in the Trash sooner by selecting Empty Trash.

I have two notebooks created for my Delta Live Table pipeline. The first is a utils notebook with functions I will be reusing for other pipelines. The second contains my actual creation of the delta live tables. I added both notebooks to the pipeline settings

To answer your first query, there is unfortunately no option to make the utils notebook run first. The only option is to combine utils and your main notebooks together. This does not address the reusability aspect in DLT and we have raised this feature request with the product team. The engineering team is working internally to address this issue. We can soon expect a feature that would address this usecase.

Per another question we are unable to use either magic commands or with the pro level databricks account or Delta Live Tables. Are there any other solutions for utilizing generic functions from other notebooks within a Delta Live Table pipeline?

I am currently using Python's Threading to parallelize the execution of multiple Databricks notebooks. These are long-running notebooks, and I need to add some logic for killing the threads in the case where I want to restart the execution with new changes. When re-executing the master notebook without killing the threads, the cluster is quickly filled with computational heavy, long-lived threads, leaving little space for the actually required computations.

Part of the difficulty in solving this, is that threads/runs created through are ephemeral runs. The Databricks CLI databricks runs get --run-id can fetch details of an ephemeral run. If details can be fetched, then the cancel should also work (databricks runs cancel ...).

The remaining difficulty is getting the run ids. Ephemeral runs are excluded from the CLI runs list operation databricks runs list.

As you noted, the is synchronous, and does not return a value to code until it finishes.However, in the notbook UI, the run ID and link is printed when it starts. There must be a way to capture these. I have not yet found how.

Another possible solution, would be to create some endpoint or resources for the child notebooks check whether they should continue execution or exit early using dbutils.notebooks.exit(). Doing this check between every few cells would be similar to the approaches in the article you linked, just applied to a notebook instead of a thread.

Databricks Assistant works as an AI-based companion pair-programmer to make you more efficient as you create notebooks, queries, and files. It can help you rapidly answer questions by generating, optimizing, completing, explaining, and fixing code and queries.

Hi! Our team has set an integration to update a bunch of Company Properties on Hubspot via API using databricks notebooks (Python code).

This update is set for every day in the morning, but for some reason Hubspot is not updating all properties. Out of 700 Companies every day 100-200 have at least one property not updated. Most of Companies on this list have very weird progress as in each property has a different date for the last update even though they all are set to be updated together. Our team is rechecking everything but so far it just looks like Hubspot is randomly deciding which properties to update. 

Does anyone have experience with that? Do you have some ideas on setting this integration to work daily for all included properties? We really need these numbers to be correct and updated daily and would appreciate any ideas. Thank you!

Hi team,

we are planning to integrate sonarcube into Azure Devops pipelines in order to check against code written and executed in Azure Databricks notebooks. We managed to configure the initial setup. The problem is that imported functions from other notebooks are not identified as such. Other notebooks are called via %run magic command. All imported functions lead to a bug (saying function is not defined).

Here you choose whether you want to use a job cluster or an existing interactive cluster. If you choose job cluster, a new cluster will be spun up for each time you use the connection (i.e. each time you run a notebook). It should be noted that cluster spin up times are not insignificant - we measured them at around 4 minutes. Therefore, if performance is a concern it may be better to use an interactive cluster. An interactive cluster is a pre-existing cluster. These can be configured to shut down after a certain time of inactivity. This is also an excellent option if you are running multiple notebooks within the same pipeline. Using job clusters, one would be spun up for each notebook. However, if you use an interactive cluster with a very short auto-shut-down time, then the same one can be reused for each notebook and then shut down when the pipeline ends. However, you pay for the amount of time that a cluster is running, so leaving an interactive cluster running between jobs will incur a cost.

Once the Databricks connection is set up, you will be able to access any Notebooks in the workspace of that account and run these as a pipeline activity on your specified cluster. You can either upload existing Jupyter notebooks and run them via Databricks, or start from scratch. As I've mentioned, the existing ETL notebook we were using was using the Pandas library. This is installed by default on Databricks clusters, and can be run in all Databricks notebooks as you would in Jupyter. However, the data we were using resided in Azure Data Lake Gen2, so we needed to connect the cluster to ADLS.

Given that the Microsoft Hosted Agents are discarded after one use, your PAT -which was used to create the ~/.databrickscfg - will also be discarded.This means that your PAT will not be used for anything else other thanrunning your own pipeline.

The Notebooks Scheduler lets you create regularly scheduled jobs to carry out activities like multi-notebook processes automatically, which comes in handy for data science project. You can access and browse tables and volumes, as well as share your notebooks, together with any associated files and dependencies, in a Git-based repository.

In the sidebar, click Workspace, right-click a folder and choose Import. Enter the URL or go to a file that contains a supported external format or a ZIP archive of notebooks exported from a Databricks workspace.

Databricks notebooks have automatic versioning capabilities. This means you get a version history, allowing you to explore and restore prior snapshots of the notebook. You can add comments, restore and remove versions, and even wipe the entire version history. ff782bc1db

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