The detailed seismic refraction and a limited amount of deep reflection measurements across the southwest Greenland margin show presence of a wide zone of thin upper crust overlying a serpentinized mantle. The nature of the crust in this zone, however, remains in dispute. Interpretation that this is thinned continental crust is in conflict with the interpretation based on magnetic data which suggest it to be oceanic. The magnetic data from this region have, therefore, been re-examined here and it is shown that even though the magnetic anomalies are small in amplitudes and variable in shape over a short distance, they can reasonably be correlated with synthetic seafloor spreading anomalies. It is possible for these anomalies to be caused by injection of volcanic material through continental crust, but their overall continuity and linear character, their resemblance to anomalies formed in the southern Labrador Sea, their symmetry across the extinct ridge, and their correlation with seafloor spreading models, strongly argue for their formation by seafloor spreading. Such an interpretation is also consistent with the plate kinematic motions derived for the North American and Eurasian Plates, and shows that the Labrador Sea essentially started to form along a northwest continuation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at chron 33 time

The correlation of magnetic anomalies in the present model shows a drastic change in the half rate of spreading at chron 30 from 5.8 mm/y before to a mean value of 12.0 mm/y after. It is suggested that the decrease in amplitude of magnetic anomalies arises from fragmentation of the oceanic crust formed at such low spreading rates. The change in the rate of spreading correlates well with a change in basement topography, from rough during slow, to smooth during faster spreading and the occurrence of thin crust during slow spreading and a normal thickness during faster spreading. These changes in crustal properties are remarkably similar to those observed across the central Labrador Sea, where the half spreading rate changed from 10 mm/y to 3.5 mm/y before the cessation of spreading. Here a clear division in basement morphology and crustal thickness is observed between the crusts formed at these two rates. The crust formed at to mm/y half spreading rate exhibits smoothly undulating basement with slightly less than normal crustal thickness, while the crust formed at 3.5 mm/y half spreading rate show evidence of intense normal faulting, with many faults showing large offsets and extending to lower crust and Moho depths. Refraction results together with gravity modelling show the crust to be abnormally thin overlying serpentinized upper mantle. The similarities between the crustal structures formed at the central Labrador Sea and that formed across the SW Greenland margin support the suggestion that the thin crust across SW Greenland margin is oceanic and was formed during slow seafloor spreading. Furthermore, the magnetic modelling suggest that the oceancontinent boundary lies fairly close to the bottom of the continental slope in this region. Comparison of this crust with crust formed across several other continental margins show great similarities suggesting that they also were formed at slow spreading rates.

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Microcomputers are used widely in all areas of modern life. For this reason it is important for all students to understand how computers work and how computers can be used as a problem-solving tool. The focus of this course is on computer applications. The course stresses the ways in which computers can help you solve problems efficiently and effectively. The course provides a broad introduction to hardware, software, and mathematical aspects of computers. Four application areas are discussed: Internet tools (including Web page design), word processing, spreadsheets, and databases. Weekly lab assignments are an integral part of the course, and it is expected that students have access to their own computing equipment. There are optional lab times set up for students who do not have the proper equipment or software available to them. This course is a "Foundations" course for the Information Technology minor. Students who are more interested in computer programming should take a course such as CMPSCI 191P or CMPSCI 121. Prerequisites: reasonable high school math skills. Typing ability is also an important asset for the course. Some previous computer experience, while not absolutely required, will prove helpful. Pre-registration is not available to majors and pre-majors. 3 credits.

The Internet is a goldmine of information and software resources for those who know how to plug in and navigate it. Originally designed by computer scientists for computer scientists, the net is now a driving force behind life in the information age and a new global economy. This course will provide non-CMPSCI majors with timely skills needed to tap the net as well as a basic introduction to client-side web programming in HTML, CSS and Javascript. In addition to static and dynamic web page and web site design and implementation, we will cover timely strategies for finding information, participating in virtual communities, managing email, and ensuring privacy. We will survey key social and political topics that are relevant to the Internet such as copyright laws, First Amendment issues, and public key cryptography. Prerequisites: some hands-on experience with PCs or MACs or UNIX (programming experience is NOT required). CMPSCI majors and pre-majors may not pre-register. 3 credits.

CMPSCI 121 provides an introduction to problem solving and computer programming using the programming language Java; it also provides an integrated introduction to some of the wonderful innovations to modern science and indeed modern life that can be attributed to computer science. The course teaches how real-world problems can be solved computationally using the object-oriented metaphor that underlies Java. Concepts and techniques covered include data types, expressions, objects, methods, top-down program design, program testing and debugging, state representation, interactive programs, data abstraction, conditionals, iteration, interfaces, inheritance, arrays, graphics, and GUIs. No previous programming experience required. A companion introduction to programming class, CMPSCI 191P is also offered. If you are fairly sure you only want to do just one programming class, take that course; if you think it likely that you will do more than one programming course, take 121. Use of computer is required. Prerequisite: R1. 4 credits.

An introductory course in the use of data in computer systems, a core course for the Information Technology certificate. Formats for representing text, numbers, sound, images, etc., as strings of bits. Equations of lines and curves, modeling of synthetic scenes (i.e., ray tracing), exploring the frequency domain and holography. Basic information theory, use and limitations of file compression and encryption. Structured databases and how to use them. Information retrieval in heterogenous environments such as the Web. XML as a language for defining new formats for representing data. Review of historical, pre-computer methods of information representation. Prerequisites: "Basic computer literacy", i.e., user-level familiarity with a modern operating system and some experience with application programs. Tier I math skills. Recommended for First Year and Sophomore Non-Majors. Prerequisite: R1. 3 credits.

The course introduces and develops methods for designing and implementing abstract data types using the Java programming language. The main focus is on how to build and encapsulate data objects and their associated operations. Specific topics include linked structures, recursive structures and algorithms, binary trees, balanced trees, and hash tables. There will be weekly assignments, consisting of programming and written exercises, a midterm, and a final exam. Prerequisites: CMPSCI 121 (or equivalent Java experience) and Basic Math Skills (R1). Basic Java language concepts are introduced quickly; if unsure of background, contact instructor. 4 credits.

Conversations with members of the UMass CMPSCI community, to explore issues in and subareas of computer science. Open only to first-year students in the CMPSCI RAP residential program. Mandatory pass/fail. This course does not count toward requirements for the CMPSCI major or minor. 1 credit.

The Internet has transformed computers from machines that calculate to machines that communicate. This introduction to computer programming with Python emphasizes multimedia (graphics and sound) applications that are relevant for Web designers, graphic artists, and anyone who just wants to have more fun with their computer. Students will explore basic concepts in computer science and computer programming by manipulating digital images and sound files. No prior programming experience is needed. This course does not count toward the CMPSCI major without UPD Approval. 3 credits.

This course offers a 4-week introduction to working with Unix, and it is intended to help students work with tools commonly used in CS courses. The fall semester offering of this class moves more quickly and covers more topics than the spring semester. The class is comprised of both discussion and hands-on exercises in the EdLab. Topics covered include working with the command line, installing and maintaining the OS and software packages, version control systems, compiling programs, and more. No previous experience with Unix is required. This course is for CS minors and majors only, but it does not count towards either degree. 1 credit.

Development of individual skills necessary for designing, implementing, testing and modifying larger programs, including: advanced uses of integrated design environments, design strategies and patterns, testing, working with large code bases and libraries, code refactoring, use of debuggers and tools for version control, and system build tools. There will be a significant programming project, done by pairs in phases, and a mid-term and final examination. Prerequisite: CMPSCI 187 or ECE 242. 4 credits. 152ee80cbc

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