
Keynote and Invited Speakers will deliver their lectures live through WebEx


on the dates and times detailed below.


"Be approximately right rather than exactly wrong."

~ John W. Tukey, Statistician 


Weijing Tang

Title:  Survival Analysis via Ordinary Differential Equations

Department of Statistics & Data Science

Carnegie Mellon University

Mireille Boutin

Title: On finding natural groupings among images and other high-dimensional datasets

Department of Mathematics & Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Purdue University

Mateo Díaz 

Title: Clustering a mixture of Gaussians with unknown covariance

Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics Mathematical Institute for Data Science

 Johns Hopkins University

Alice Le Brigant

Title: Clustering probability distributions using the Fisher-Rao metric


Université Paris 1

Yiping Lu

Title: Simulation-Calibrated Scientific Machine Learning

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

New York University

Harlin Lee

Title: Blob Method for Optimal Transport

School of Data Science and Society

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill