Data Science (DS) 


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology


The Data Science (DS) laboratory was started in the year of 2018. It is equipped with GPU-based machines to conduct intensive research and to solve complex computational problems. 

Research Areas


GPU Desktop

Processor: 6th Gen Intel Core i7

Memory: 16GB DDR4


Graphic Card: NVIDIA 4GB 1050 TI

Cabinet: Cooler Master

Monitor: HP 22” IPS LED

Associated Research Scholars

Full Time Ph.D.

Ms. Mayur Makwana  


Ms. Vaishnavee Rathod


Ms. Nikita


Part Time Ph.D.

Ms. Anjali More 


Mr. Mathe John Kenny Kumar


Ms. Pranita Mahajan 


Laboratory In-Charge 

Dr. Dipti P. Rana

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

M. Tech.

Mr. Sarit Kiran Roy

Ms. Jyoti Kumari

B. Tech.

Ms. Yamini Kabra

Ms. Charmi Shah

Ms. Ummulkiram Daginawala

Ms. Pranjal Tibrewal 

Research Project Areas


Data Science Laboratory

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Sardar Vallbhbhai National Institute of Technology



Surat - 395007