Editorial Feedback Roundtables

The goal of the editorial feedback roundtables is to pair author teams of accepted papers with a Senior Editor or Associate Editor from premier journals, such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and Management Science, to identify strategies on how the authors could potentially position and/or extend their accepted workshop paper for journal submission. Note that these editorial feedback roundtables are not a fast-track submission process but rather an opportunity to seek feedback.

The editorial roundtable is a private, invite-only event. There will be no public audience for the roundtables.

Mentors for Editorial Roundtable

Balaji Padmanabhan

University of Maryland

Jeffrey Parsons

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Maytal Saar-Tsechansky

University of Texas at Austin

Sumit Sarkar

University of Texas at Dallas

Heng Xu

University of Florida

Huimin Zhao

University of Wisconsin