Data Explorer Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for World Bank Data API Action

Last Updated: 19th January 2024


Welcome to our World Bank Data API Action. This Privacy Policy applies to the World Bank Data API Action and sets forth our policy on the gathering and usage of information in relation to this service.

No Collection of Personal Data

Our World Bank Data API Action does not collect, store, or process any personal data from users. The API interaction involves querying public financial and economic data from the World Bank based on specified countries and indicators. No personal information, such as names, email addresses, or IP addresses, is collected or used in any part of this process.

Use of Collected Information

Since no personal data is collected through the World Bank Data API Action, there is no usage of such data for any purpose.

Disclosure of Information

As no personal data is collected, stored, or processed, there is no disclosure of such data to any third parties.

Security of Information

Given that no personal data is collected, concerns regarding the security of such data are not applicable in the context of this specific API action.

Policy for Children

This API Action does not collect personal information from any users, including children under the age of 13.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: