Call For Papers

Workshop GOAL

Data is no longer viewed as an inept byproduct of (business) processes, but rather as a valuable resource that can be traded, processed and used in different contexts and applications. We are witnessing an unprecedented increase in both the amount of data being collected, as well as the development of infrastructure necessary to process and share the vast amounts of collected data in new contexts. In the wake of these trends, the Data Economy workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners in this area, to clarify impactful research problems, describe solutions and ideas to the arising data management issues (and beyond) and novel data applications, share findings from real-world data markets and PIMs, and generate new ideas for future lines of research. We are aiming at promoting cross-pollination of ideas between academic research centers and industry.

Relevant communities and initiatives:

All the above initiatives are either industrial (Gaia-X, IDSA), citizen-driven (MyData), or government-driven (Data Act). The Data Economy workshop will be the academic/research/scientific go-to venue for all these communities and initiatives

The mission of the Data Economy workshop will be to bring together all the CS skills required for helping the Data Economy liftoff by addressing a range of technical challenges including, but are not limited, to the ones below:

Submission Format

The paper accepted in the Data Economy Workshop will appear in the ACM Digital Library. 

We solicit papers up to 6 pages long, and demonstrations (up to 4 pages long).

Research papers must follow the 2-column ACM Proceedings Format, using either the sample-sigconf.tex or Interim layout.docx template provided at for LaTeX (version 2e) or Word, respectively. If you plan to use ACM's official Overleaf template, please use the 2-column template available at The margins, inter-column spacing, and line spacing in the templates must be kept unchanged. Any submitted paper violating the length, file type, or formatting requirements will be rejected without review.

Submissions should be uploaded at:

Conflict and Authorship

To minimize biases in the evaluation process, authors should flag conflicts with reviewers. X and Y have a conflict of interest if any of the following applies:

It is the full responsibility of all authors of a paper to identify and declare all COIs.

Important Dates