ActiveReports allows developers to create win/web applications, which allow end-users to create and/or preview complicated reports. Among the components included with ActiveReports are exports to file formats such as PDF, Excel, RTF, and Word and other. ActiveReports also includes Visual Studio integrated report designer, and an API that developers use to create customized reports from a variety of data sources.

Data Dynamics Reports follows a more visual report designing model with online scripting that meets most of your reporting needs with less code and less understanding of the architecture.

Microsoft Reporting Definition Language (RDL) Format

* ActiveReports uses the proprietary RPX reporting format that is proven and time tested.

* Data Dynamics Reports uses Microsoft's SQL Server 2005 Report Definition Language (RDL) reporting format, with custom extensions to leverage your existing investments.

Direct Support for Business Reporting

* ActiveReports has been exceeding customer expectations for over a decade of fulfilling the large volume, high performance, production reporting requirements of small and large businesses.

* Data Dynamics Reports, in addition to fulfilling standard reporting needs, features direct support for business reporting features such as dashboards, KPIs, advanced data visualization, master-child report templates and reporting themes.

Better Export options for Business Users

* ActiveReports supports exporting to HTML, RTF, TIFF, PDF and Microsoft Excel.

* Data Dynamics Reports, in addition to supporting these export formats, also supports true Microsoft Excel transformation, Microsoft Word export and exporting to image formats such as BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG and EMF.

Data Dynamics Activereports 2.0 Vb6 32

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Data Dynamics Reports installation includes a Crystal Reports(r)* converter utility that converts a Crystal report RPT file to a Data Dynamics Reports (RDLX) file containing a BandedList report item, which most closely simulates the ActiveReports layout. If the converter utility is unable to convert any of the controls or data sources from the original report, a status report within the command window informs you of which items were not converted.

Data Dynamics Reports features more flexibility than Crystal Reports with report items (including a banded list data region) that you can place anywhere on the report. Data regions can even be placed adjacent to one another, often eliminating the need for subreports. For this reason, once you import your Crystal Reports, you may want to rework them to take advantage of this new flexibility.

ActiveReports for .NET 3.0 is a complete package for designing, viewing, and manipulating database-driven reports for Windows and Web applications. The software, written in managed code, features royalty-free distribution of the run times and an ActiveX report viewer.

ActiveReports is user friendly and easy to learn. For example, a window opens on the desktop with helpful information for getting started at the end of the installation. This window includes information on using the samples and configuring the licensing. The Getting Started page walks you through the minimum steps to create a Visual Studio project, and get a database-driven report working in the IDE. Taken as a whole, this approach gives newbies the confidence they need to create simple reports without bogging down in unproductive, ramp-up hours (see Figure).

A tabbed dialog box helps you build your OLE DB and SQL data connections, but SQL query support is lacking GUI support: You must type or paste your query into a textbox. That said, once you have a working query, you can drag the field names (one at a time, but not as a group) from the Report Explorer and drop them onto the report form where they land as a label control. I puzzled over how to get the Report Explorer to show up in the Visual Studio 2005 IDE, but eventually I found it under View > Other Windows > Report Explorer.

The ActiveReports design-time toolbox includes the basic objects to help you assemble attractive reports and display data in a meaningful way. These include label, textbox, rich textbox, checkbox, picture, barcode, and chart controls. A handy Preview tab shows your report without your having to build the whole WinForms project.

The most elaborate control in the package is the chart object, which features a colorful wizard that lets you choose and preview chart styles, palettes, text elements, and data sources. The wizard looked too busy as a starting point, so I followed the documentation's step-by-step 2D bar-chart tutorial. The instructions for using the chart designer were simple, clear, and mostly accurate. I had a little trouble running the report project. First, the report viewer icon wasn't in Visual Studio's toolbox. After I put the viewer control on the Windows Form, it still didn't work because of a documentation bug: The code for launching the report used a different report ID than the steps needed to build it.

Data Dynamics Reports integrates into Web and Windows Forms applications and provides a rich API with which to create and modify reports. In addition to the base features provided by RDL, Data Dynamics Reports has added several features including: Master Reports, additional chart types, banded List data region, barcode report item, formatted Text report item, themes and data visualizers. Documents created with Data Dynamics Reports can layout data using a combination of Lists, Tables, Charts, Matrices or Banded Lists in a layout-based report. Reports can be populated with data from an ADO.NET DataSet, .NET Object, SQL Server, Oracle, OLEDB, ODBC, or an XML data source.

What are the main differences between Data Dynamics Reports and Active Reports for .NET? Briefly, Data Dynamics Reports supports multiple data sources, data sets, and several different data regions. It also supports the use of VB.NET expressions to set properties. These expressions control the entire report generation process and replace the event handlers fired from within ActiveReports for .NET.

Multiple Data Sources/Data Sets - Each report can have multiple data sources and data sets associated with it. A data region and its children can only be associated with a single dataset. If multiple data sets are needed within a data region a subreport can still be used to link in the second data set. However, in most cases a data set that contains the join of both sets of data could be used.

Drilldown - Data Dynamics Reports has true drilldown support, that allows report authors to hide data conditionally in the report and expose it when requested. This is done by setting a report item to be hidden and then setting its ToggleItem property to the name of a textbox or image report item in the report.

Data Regions - A data region is a how a set of data is manipulated to be output by various report items (if needed). The List data region outputs itself once for every row of data in the data set or unique set of grouping expressions. The Banded List functions very similar to how a report in ActiveReports for .NET works. The Chart data region contains the same charting technology used in ActiveReports, but it has been updated to work with the Data Dynamics Reports ideas of a data set and expressions.

Nested Data Regions - In ActiveReports for .NET it is possible to add a chart to any section of the report, but that is the limit of nesting a data region. In Data Dynamics Reports data regions can also be added within data regions that accept report tiems, as long as the data is grouped. The ability to nest data regions means that report

Table - Data Dynamics Reports offers a Table data region which simplifies the positioning and sizing of report items in a grid format. The designer makes it easy to set gridlines on the table as well.

Data Dynamics Reports supports different data regions. In ActiveReports for .NET, a report is created in a series of bands, each band displaying its data in certain parts of the report. Data Dynamics Reports supports this data region, called the Banded List, and also supports Table, Chart, Matrix (crosstab), and List data regions.

The purpose of this ActiveX control is allow a website to display a report file to the user within the browser, and to allow the user to print the report. This ActiveX control is marked "safe for scripting" and "safe for initializing from persistent data". This means that the control can be instantiated from any potentially malicious website.

The designer is a fully compliant ActiveX control and object host. You can insert any control or OLE object, such as a graph or document, into your reports. OLE objects can be bound to BLOB fields in your database.

ActiveReports' report execution begins by raising the ReportStart event. At this point, accessing data source properties might cause DataInitialize to fire. The report validates any changes made to the report structure in ReportStart.

The speed in processing and output generation of ActiveReports is attributed to its intelligent, multi-threaded, single-pass processing. ActiveReports will process and render each page as soon as the page is ready. If ActiveReports is not able to fully render a page because of unknown data elements or because the layout is not final, it places the page in cache until the data is available.

Summary fields and KeepTogether constraints are two reasons that a page might not be rendered completely. The summary field is not complete until all the data needed for calculation is read from the data source. When a summary field such as a grand total is placed ahead of its completion level, such as in the report header, the report header and all following sections will be delayed until all of the data is read.

This event fires after data is loaded and bound to the fields but before the section is laid out for printing. Use this event to modify the layout of a section or any of the controls in the section. This is the only event in which a section's height can be changed. Also use the Format event to pass information, such as an SQL string, to a subreport. Because a section's height is unknown until the Format event finishes, it is possible for a section's Format event to fire while the report is on a page to which the section is not rendered. For example, the Detail_Format event fires but the section is too large to fit on the page. This causes the PageFooter event and the PageEnd event to fire on the current page, and the PageStart, any other Header events, and possibly the FetchData event to fire before the section is rendered to the canvas on the next page. be457b7860

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