I just bought a Pixel 6 and did all updates for Android 12 and included apps. Now I have this google notification about downloading that won't go away. When clicking on the notification it mentions Data Download Notification channel. It comes back after reboots.

What steps do I require to follow in order achieve the same result using CNN ? I do not comprehend the use of filters,kernels,stride in my use case.How do we provide Training data to Keras if the pixel channel values and output are in the below form?

Data Download Notification Channel Pixel 6

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Since the input is in the form of channel values,that too in sequence.I would suggest you to use Convolution1D. Here,you are taking each pixel's channel values as the input and you need to predict for each pixel.Try thiseg :

This document describes how to configure notification channels by usingthe Google Cloud console. Cloud Monitoring uses these channels to notify you,or your on-call team, when an alerting policy fires. When you create analerting policy, you select who is notified by making selections from thelist of configured notification channels. For example, you might configurealerting policies that monitor Compute Engine instances to publish aPub/Sub topic and to notify the Slack channel for the on-call team.

To get the permissions that you need to view and configure notification channels by using the Google Cloud console, ask your administrator to grant you the Monitoring Editor (roles/monitoring.editor) IAM role on your project. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access.

When you are creating an alerting policy, you can select anyconfigured notification channel and add it to your policy. You canpre-configure your notification channels, or you can configure them as part ofthe process of creating an alerting policy. For more information,see Create a channel on demand.

 Device indicates that notifications are sent only to the specific device that created the notification channel. For device-scoped notification channels, the Display name field includes device information. User indicates that the notifications are sent to all of your devices that have the Google Cloud console Mobile App installed. 

To configure a Google Cloud console Mobile App notification channel for a specific Google Cloud project, do the following:  Install the Google Cloud console Mobile App from your mobile device's app store.  Select a project for viewing in the Google Cloud console Mobile App.

After you select a project, a data exchange between the app and the selected Google Cloud project occurs. A notification channel is created when one doesn't exist, and after a few minutes, this channel is listed under the Mobile Devices section of the Notification channels page.

To add your mobile device as a notification channel for an alerting policy, in the alerting Notifications section, select Google Cloud console (mobile) and then choose your mobile device from the list.

 In PagerDuty: Create a PagerDuty account at the PagerDuty site. Add the PagerDuty notification channel:  In the navigation panel of the Google Cloud console, select Monitoring, and then select notifications Alerting: Go to Alerting

Note: Webhooks only support public endpoints. If you need notifications sent to an endpoint that isn't public, then create a Pub/Sub notification channel and configure a subscription to the Pub/Sub topic. For more information, see Webhook notifications fail when configured for a private endpoint.

Note: If a Cloud Function is configured as webhook endpoint for a notification channel, then make sure the user invoking the function has the required authentication permission. For more information, see Authenticating function to function calls and Enabling access to a function.

 The webhook handler: Identify the public endpoint URL to receive webhook data from Monitoring. In the navigation panel of the Google Cloud console, select Monitoring, and then select notifications Alerting: Go to Alerting

This section describes how to configure Pub/Sub notification channels. For redundancy, we recommend that you create multiple notification channels. Pairing Pub/Sub with Google Cloud console Mobile App, PagerDuty, Webhooks, or Slack is recommended, because Pub/Sub uses a different delivery mechanism.

Before you begin When you add the first notification channel for a Google Cloud project, Cloud Monitoring creates a service account for that project. It also grants the Identity and Access Management role Monitoring Notification Service Agent to the service account. This service account lets Monitoring send notifications to Pub/Sub-based notification channels in this project.

In the Google Cloud project where you plan to create the notification channeland Pub/Sub topic, do the following:   Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.   In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

To create a Pub/Sub notification channel, you can use the Monitoring API, the Google Cloud CLI, or the Google Cloud console. After you create the notification channel, authorize the notifications service account to publish each topic that you are using as a notification channel.

After you complete these steps that configure the notification channel, skip the next section, which is titled Authorize service account, and proceed to Set the notification channel in an alerting policy.

Authorization lets the notifications service account publish each Pub/Sub topic that you are using as a notification channel. This section describes how you can do the following:  Authorize a service account for a specific topic. Authorize a service account for all topics. 

If your preferred notification channel isn't supported, consider creatinga pipeline that relies on sending your notifications to Pub/Sub.For a Python example that uses Flask, seeCreating custom notifications with Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Run.For other examples, see thecloud-alerting-notification-forwarding Git repository.

Cloud Monitoring doesn't support a test option for notification channels.However, you can verify that a notification channel is properly configured bycreating an alerting policy and configuring the condition to trigger.

When you then go into the notification settings of the app via long-press-notification and all-channels button and toggle the switch for that channel off and on again, then it actually sets itself to NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT and no sound will get played. I also noticed that after a crash it did get reset to NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH

Notification channels allows users to separate their notifications easily (i.e. alarm vs laundry) so they can customize aspects like what type of sound is made and a lot of other device specific features. Devices running Android 8.0+ are able to create and manage notification channels on the fly using automations. Once a channel is created you can navigate to your notification settings and you will find the newly created channel, from there you can customize the behavior based on what your device allows.

If you wish to remove a channel you will need to send message: remove_channel with the channel you wish to remove.Removing a channel doesn't reset the settings to the default values, it just removes it from the notification channels list. If you send a notification to a removed channel, it will restore it. The only way to really remove a channel is by clearing the app data which will remove everything.

When you are setting the channel for your notification you also have the option to set the importance for the channel per notification. Possible values for this property are high, low, max, min and default. To learn more about what each value does see the FCM docs. For devices before Android 8.0 this property can be used like priority with the same options described up above.

By default the default notification sound (Tri-tone on iOS) will be played upon receiving a notification. See the Sounds documentation for details of the available sounds and how to add custom sounds. The default notification sounds (Tri-tone) can be disabled by setting sound to none in the data payload:

Notification channels can only be created in the code of your application and cannot be created programmatically in the Braze dashboard. We recommend your engineering team work with your marketers to ensure the desired notification channels are properly added to the dashboard.

When you apply a notification channel to a specific campaign or Canvas step, your Reachable Users tally (located in the Target Audience step) for Android Push will not appear to change. However, only users subscribed to the selected notification channel will see the message, and your campaign analytics (like clicks) will be measured based on this audience.

WarningWhen using option 1 or 2, you are still required to create a notification channel in code with an ID that matches the one used the chosen option. You can use createChannel(...) for this. If you don't do this, the SDK will fallback to option 3.

This plugin does support data-only notifications, but will NOT call pushNotificationReceived if the app has been killed. To handle this scenario, you will need to create a service that extends FirebaseMessagingService, see Handling FCM Messages.

There are a few notification parameters that can only be set the first time a notification channel is created and cannot be changed once created. Vibration pattern is one of them. Change the notification channel in order to see any changes you make to the pattern. This is also mentioned in the docs. e24fc04721

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