Dasol Kim's curriculum vitae

Current Affiliation

Research Scholar

Department of Geography, University of Florida

Professional Experience

2021–Present: Research Scholar, Department of Geography, University of Florida

2020–2021: Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Seoul National University


2012–2020: Ph.D., School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University

2008–2012: B.S., School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University

Numerical Modelling and Computing skills

Numerical Modelling: WRF-ARW, MPAS, Barotropic dynamic core model

Computing Languages: Fortran 90, c-shell/bourn-shell, python, NCL, MATLAB

Techniques: Vortex tracking, GIS for tropical cyclone analysis

Machine Learning Techniques

Teaching Experiences

TA, Seoul National University: Climate Dynamics, Human and Earth Environment

Development of Education Contents


Korean (Native), English (Professional Working Proficiency)

Grants Funded

Academic Honors and Awards