Centralized administration makes setup and management fast and easy. Use integrated Cloud Identity features to manage users and set up security options like 2-step verification and security keys. Protect your organization with security analytics and best practice recommendations within the security center.

If you are using a custom AdminSite, it is common to import all of theModelAdmin subclasses into your code and register them to the customAdminSite. In that case, in order to disable auto-discovery, you shouldput 'django.contrib.admin.apps.SimpleAdminConfig' instead of'django.contrib.admin' in your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

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If you define the Meta.model attribute on aModelForm, you must also define theMeta.fields attribute (or the Meta.exclude attribute). However,since the admin has its own way of defining fields, the Meta.fieldsattribute will be ignored.

This provides a quick-and-dirty way to override some of theField options for use in the admin.formfield_overrides is a dictionary mapping a field class to a dict ofarguments to pass to the field at construction time.

By default the admin shows all fields as editable. Any fields in thisoption (which should be a list or tuple) will display its dataas-is and non-editable; they are also excluded from theModelForm used for creating and editing. Note thatwhen specifying ModelAdmin.fields or ModelAdmin.fieldsetsthe read-only fields must be present to be shown (they are ignoredotherwise).

When somebody does a search in the admin search box, Django splits thesearch query into words and returns all objects that contain each of thewords, case-insensitive (using the icontains lookup), where eachword must be in at least one of search_fields. For example, ifsearch_fields is set to ['first_name', 'last_name'] and a usersearches for john lennon, Django will do the equivalent of this SQLWHERE clause:

Set show_full_result_count to control whether the full count of objectsshould be displayed on a filtered admin page (e.g. 99 results (103 total)).If this option is set to False, a text like 99 results (Show all)is displayed instead.

By default, the change list page allows sorting by all model fields (andcallables that use the ordering argument to thedisplay() decorator or have theadmin_order_field attribute) specified in list_display.

The get_fieldsets method is given the HttpRequest and the objbeing edited (or None on an add form) and is expected to return a listof 2-tuples, in which each 2-tuple represents a on theadmin form page, as described above in the ModelAdmin.fieldsets section.

The get_urls method on a ModelAdmin returns the URLs to be used forthat ModelAdmin in the same way as a URLconf. Therefore you can extendthem as documented in URL dispatcher, using theAdminSite.admin_view() wrapper on your views:

The get_queryset method on a ModelAdmin returns aQuerySet of all model instances thatcan be edited by the admin site. One use case for overriding this methodis to show objects owned by the logged-in user:

response_add is called after the admin form is submitted andjust after the object and all the related instances havebeen created and saved. You can override it to change the default behaviorafter the object has been created.

response_change is called after the admin form is submitted andjust after the object and all the related instances havebeen saved. You can override it to change the defaultbehavior after the object has been changed.

Unlike the hook-type ModelAdmin methods detailed in the previous section,these five methods are in reality designed to be invoked as Django views fromthe admin application URL dispatching handler to render the pages that dealwith model instances CRUD operations. As a result, completely overriding thesemethods will significantly change the behavior of the admin application.

By default, admin widgets for many-to-many relations will be displayedon whichever model contains the actual reference to theManyToManyField. Depending on your ModelAdmindefinition, each many-to-many field in your model will be represented by astandard HTML , a horizontal or vertical filter, or araw_id_fields widget. However, it is also possible to replace thesewidgets with inlines.

When you specify an intermediary model using the through argument to aManyToManyField, the admin will not display awidget by default. This is because each instance of that intermediary modelrequires more information than could be displayed in a single widget, and thelayout required for multiple widgets will vary depending on the intermediatemodel.

If you want to allow editing and creating an Image instance on theProduct, add/change views you can useGenericTabularInlineor GenericStackedInline (bothsubclasses of GenericInlineModelAdmin)provided by admin. They implement tabularand stacked visual layouts for the forms representing the inline objects,respectively, just like their non-generic counterparts. They behave just likeany other inline. In your admin.py for this example app:

You can override many of the templates which the admin module uses to generatethe various pages of an admin site. You can even override a few of thesetemplates for a specific app, or a specific model.

Within this admin directory, create sub-directories named after your app.Within these app subdirectories create sub-directories named after your models.Note, that the admin app will lowercase the model name when looking for thedirectory, so make sure you name the directory in all lowercase if you aregoing to run your app on a case-sensitive filesystem.

For example, if we wanted to add a tool to the change list view for all themodels in an app named my_app, we would copycontrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html to thetemplates/admin/my_app/ directory of our project, and make any necessarychanges.

Because of the modular design of the admin templates, it is usually neithernecessary nor advisable to replace an entire template. It is almost alwaysbetter to override only the section of the template which you need to change.

For those templates that cannot be overridden in this way, you may stilloverride them for your entire project by placing the new version in yourtemplates/admin directory. This is particularly useful to create custom 404and 500 pages.

The admin uses CSS variables to define colors and fonts. This allows changingthemes without having to override many individual CSS rules. For example, ifyou preferred purple instead of blue you could add a admin/base.htmltemplate override to your project:

A Django administrative site is represented by an instance ofdjango.contrib.admin.sites.AdminSite; by default, an instance ofthis class is created as django.contrib.admin.site and you canregister your models and ModelAdmin instances with it.

When constructing an instance of an AdminSite, you can providea unique instance name using the name argument to the constructor. Thisinstance name is used to identify the instance, especially whenreversing admin URLs. If no instance name isprovided, a default instance name of admin will be used.See Customizing the AdminSite class for an example of customizing theAdminSite class.

Note that you may not want autodiscovery of admin modules when using yourown AdminSite instance since you will likely be importing all the per-appadmin modules in your myproject.admin module. This means you need toput 'django.contrib.admin.apps.SimpleAdminConfig' instead of'django.contrib.admin' in your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

You can override the default django.contrib.admin.site by setting thedefault_site attribute of a custom AppConfigto the dotted import path of either a AdminSite subclass or a callable thatreturns a site instance.

Just like ModelAdmin, AdminSite provides aget_urls() methodthat can be overridden to define additional views for the site. To adda new view to your admin site, extend the baseget_urls() method to includea pattern for your new view.

The detailed description of the modification. In the case of an edit, forexample, the message contains a list of the edited fields. The Django adminsite formats this content as a JSON structure, so thatget_change_message() can recompose a message translated in the currentuser language. Custom code might set this as a plain string though. You areadvised to use the get_change_message() method to retrieve this valueinstead of accessing it directly.

If you want to find a URL in a specific admin instance, provide the name ofthat instance as a current_app hint to the reverse call. For example,if you specifically wanted the admin view from the admin instance namedcustom, you would need to call:

The action in the examples above match the last part of the URL names forModelAdmin instances described above. The opts variable can be anyobject which has an app_label and model_name attributes and is usuallysupplied by the admin views for the current model.

An admin account has privileges to manage services for other people in your organization. The Admin console is only available when you're signed in to an admin account. If you don't have access to an admin account, get help from someone else who does. For details, see Who is my administrator?. is an IP address which routers like Linksys and other network brands use as an access point or gateway. Firms set up router admin access in this address to allow network administrators to configure their routers and networks. Concretely one can manage Security Options, Network Management, IP QoS, DNS, proxy, LAN, WAN, WLAN settings, DSL, ADSL, MAC, WPS block; amongst others.

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