Extracts from a few Walkers Reports

Dave Garrard & Lettie the dog.

13/04/82 - 15/04/82.

"After a pub stop at Princetown - I had stopped too long, eaten and drank too much, and had completely lost my rhythm. Now my feet felt like lead and my 30lb. pack seemed to weigh a ton. Someone once expressed my feelings perfectly with the poetic phrase - 'My head was full of weary thoughts, my boots were full of feet." - Dave.

Godfrey Swinscow & Chris Barnes. (Diptford Hound & Peat Pounders - Rattery)

28/05/82 - 30/05/82

"We were not to be deflected from our route, the army were somewhat surprised to see two rather odd characters in the head down position walk straight through their battle lines without so much as a beg your pardon". - Godfrey

THE CULLEN CLAN - Norma, Phil, Joanne & Neil.

24/07/1982 - 29/07/1982.

"We couldn't carry all the food because we eat so much, so we had to hide it the week before" - (Joanne). Age 9

"On the Perambulation we had lots of camp fires" - (Neil). Age 7

Ron Kaye, Kelvin Lazarns, Dave & Lesley Roose, Ian, Caroline & Andrew Kirkpatrick, John Dewdney, Fred-Lewis Goodwin, Brenda Williams.

28/05/83 - 30/05/83

"Retreat to my little bivy bag, fitful sleep, had my usual 'Dartmoor congestion' - cannot breath easily, search for zip in-order to get fresh air. Can't find the bloody zip, don't panic. At last opened tent up, cold outside, close zip. I'll have to get a warmer sleeping bag. Have a fantasy about Dolly Parton, silly lad! She'd never get in a bag this size!"

Camp 1 - 8:30am. Break camp Ian breaks wind! - John Dewdney

Ian Walker (Thomas the Rhymer)

31/08/83, 08/08/83, 09/08/83.

"Camped at Mewy Head. As the wind increased I discover the tent has all the wind resistance of a tea bag. At 2:30am. my teeth started to chatter, and refused to stop. Put on every bit of available clothing including waterproofs and a bin liner, insert head in rucksack and waited for dawn, she didn't arrive!" - Ian.

Barry & Janet Anderson, Kath Brewer.

16/07/1986 - 17/07/1986.

"We arrived at Crossways and sheltered from the gales and wintry showers, huddled together moral was low, until Barry produced as if by magic, a bottle of home made peach wine from his haversack". - Janet.

Anne & Dave Carrivick.

27/05/1990 - 14hrs.35min.

"We started at Princetown at 4:15am. Under a starlit sky and with a slight frost. We finished at 6:50pm. At the end of a perfect day with mixed emotions, intensely pleased, proud even, of our achievement, but also rather sad it was over. I have no doubt we will return to follow this lovely route again! It could become addictive". - Dave.

Doggy Walkers - Ken Burrows & Kirsty Jenkins.

19/06/1994 & 25/06/1994.

"After years of Ken pestering me to walk the Perambulation, I thought it might be a nice idea to do the walk as a Fathers Day present (how kind!)

We walked the North loop on Fathers Day & completed the Southern half the following Saturday.

Blisters were my main problem and a toilet roll helped in more ways than one.

Next year Ken got some new socks for Fathers Day!" - (Kirsty)

Steve Grigg, Dave Dewar, Terry Exell, Chris Bell, Jane & Sean Lehni.

06/08/2000, 13/08/2000, 03/09/2000, 22/10/2000, 31/12/2000, 29/06/2001.

"The cows had dispersed from Manga Rock by the time we arrived. Another GP inscription was noted, & for some reason I now have a photograph of Dave & Terry posing & pointing purposefully at the rock. Strange behaviour, what had been in their sandwiches?

New Years Eve - The weather had deteriorated to a point where we realised continuing would be unwise. We left Bleak House in very poor visibility, it was now gone midday & the snowdrifts were several feet deep. The thought of the W.Okement valley in these conditions filled us with dread - we knew we had to get off & return another day." - Steve.

Ian Kirkpatrick, Mark Hummerstone, Tom Hummerstone, Richard & David Landin, Lee Davies & Roger Paul.


"For me was the challenge of completing this 50-mile walk in a reasonable time. The last time I had walked the route was 21st. & 22nd. Of May 1998 - 13 years ago.

The group performed well & in a professional manner.

Special congratulations to Tom who is 14 years old & showed high levels of grit & determination.

Most of Dartmoor's' moods were experienced in the two days, clear & hot on Saturday wet & misty on Sunday.

Its true the climb to Stenga Tor is twice as high as in 1998." - Ian.

Viv Kirkland, Delia Jeffers.

25/07/02, 07/08/02, 27/08/02, 16/09/02.

"Start of the last leg from Princetown to Cullever Steps, Dee with her T'shirt on inside out! - "On reaching Princetown we made use of the facilities unfortunately Dee's mobile phone decided to make a voyage of discovery of its own & fell down the toilet!! Rather inconsiderate as she had just put £10:00 onto the account. In case you are wondering did it work? The answer is no". Viv

Margaret Batten, Avis Ferguson & Scottie the dog.

17/03/03, 20/03/03 24/03/03.

"After we paddled across the W.Okement last Monday, I came prepared for the Horseshoe Bend crossing of the Taw. I brought two carrier bags one for each foot & elastic bands to keep them in place. It worked beautifully. I walked across & then attached the bags to Scottie's collar & he took them back to Avis to use." Margaret.


20/07/00, 20/07/01, 10/08/04, 22/09/04.

"I crossed the Tavy in my usual way (crawling) and progressed along the bank with some difficulty because of the gradient before setting out to the north up the Rattlebrook duly arriving and collapsing at Bleak House at about 4:30pm. It was decision time.

I'd planned to camp on the moor that night but although surrounded by water my flask was empty. A look skywards confirmed the deteriorating weather so I made what subsequently turned out to be another good decision and left the moor." W.C.Macfarlane.

Oliver Lamb, Adam Chalmers, Alex Chapman, Jonathan Noble, James Hickey, Matthew Horton, Laura Milroy, Georgina Drew, Charlotte Clifford, Anna Krykunivsky, Mikael Krykunivsky, Adam Eales, Thomas Perilli, Jamie Butterworth, & Matthew Noble.

25/03/05, 26/03/05, 27/03/05, 28/03/05.

"We had several accounts of what Devil's Frying Pan might be, ranging from the philosophical to the outright bizarre, I quote; "Well its where some bloke who wrote poetry scraped out a bath for his feet on hot days" - Little Adam. "OK Ads why the name Devil's Frying Pan?" - Obvious, he wrote Gothic poetry". We were reliably informed that Limsbro is pink because the beast of Dartmoor uses it to drag sheep back to & then blood must have stained the rocks that way. Of course we all knew that this is tosh, the real reason is that the Ten Tors scrutinisers use it as a sacrificial stone for errant trekkers who had forgotten their FTT3's." Group effort.

Chris Phillips, Chrissie Phillips, Nigel Phillips, Joy Phillips.

01/04/05, 02/04/05 14/06/05.

"From Stenga Tor we descended to Sandy Ford on the W.Okement where Chris & Nige tried to build a dam for the girls to cross, unsuccessful as Chrissie got her feet wet.

A steeeeeep climb up to High Willhays, this included many stops to admire the view!!! Chrissie became the highest person in England south of the Peak District & tried to fly!" Chris.

David Graham, Dave Mathis.


"Training walk for this years LDWA 100mile walk.

Got a fright soon after crossing the river Plym, as nearly fell on top of a tent - man inside surprised at us wandering around in the dark!" Dave.

David Graham, Brian Guy, Barry Olver & Linda Mc.Carthy.


"We finished at about 2am. having started out at 5am. a total of 21 hours.

Had some sleep in car, finally got home at 4:30am., already looking forward to another circuit next year." David.

Paul Buck, Lynn Vivian, Paul Worthington & Jude Kidd.

12/08/07, 13/08/07, 08/09/07.

"A hard slog through long grass to Sandy Ford, from here we made our way alongside the Tavy to Rattlebrook Foot. We met a guy on the way who mentioned that on the longest day some people do the whole Perambulation in one day; rather than be impressed we just asked why? Its far too good a walk to spoil by rushing through." Paul.

Richard Odam & Charlie the dog.

05/11/07, 06/11/07, 05/12/07.

"We arrived beside the Avon when the day started to get dimpsy so found a rather pleasant pitch for our tent on the south bank, flat sheltered running water - what more could a couple of old backpackers want! Settling down for the night, I enjoyed the luxury of a good book & a dog to keep my feet warm." Richard.

20/10/07, 25/01/08, 11/02/08, 25/02/08, 02/05/08, 19/05/08, 16/06/08.

Roland Ebdon, Mike Rice.

"A thoroughly enjoyable walk undertaken on clear fine days as far as possible as we wished to take lots of photos.

Whilst completing the walk we also saw & photographed the old (some say 1478) map of the Forest Boundary held at the Devon Records Office & another record from the time of Henry VIII held at the National Archives at Kew." Roland.

Chistopher Britton, Susan Britton, Christopher Gilbert, John Harris, Martin Hills, Peter Major, Martin Robins, John Skinner & Joy Topping.

17/10/08, 18/10/08, 19/10/08.

"We members from the Plymouth Ramblers plus AN Other were about to set off around the Ancient Dartmoor Boundary.

We started from Cullever Steps & were in high spirits, each of us sporting a badge with a named Knight on it, I (Joy) was Sir Richard Gyfford, we also had a sheriff of Devon with us!

The weather was warm & sunny, walking up Cosdonne was quite a sweaty business. Our objective was to enjoy the walk, so we made steady but not heady progress. We arrived at the Warren House Inn at 4:15pm. For a well earned cuppa & flapjack. On then to Bellever YHA for the night arriving at 6:30pm."Joy.

West Berkes. Ramblers

18/09/08, 19/09/08, 20/09/08, 21/09/08, 06/05/09, 08/05/09.

“The high moor without tracks is challenging, navigation has to be careful & chances of falling off the tussocks & doing serious damage is high. We felt that the nearest A&E would not be sympathetic, probably thinking we should be better off in the Bingo Hall.” Fiona.

Sheron Vowden (Rixdale Rambler), Colin Smithers (Oaktree Stumbler)

16/08/09, 17/08/09, 31/08/09.

“We followed Deadlake up to the head & on towards Whitebarrow Cairn. This was challenging due to fog, we could only see ahead 50yds. or so. Embarrassing to say we couldn’t find the cairn! We searched for about a half hour, backwards & forwards. We found the one near the wall so using the compass I headed off in the right direction until Colin couldn’t see me any more (70yds.) He yelled stop! caught me up then we repeated the process until we thought we’d gone far enough. Never did find Whitebarrow.” Sheron.

Chris Taylor, Heidi Taylor, Lynn Megan Evans

23/07/10, 24/07/10, 25/07/10.

“It was almost dark before the three weary walkers scrambled along the steel bars of the fence at Magersford Rails to set up camp on an area of flat grass that was covered in dried cow dung. Megan had the strength to make some supper after pitching her tent but Heidi & her dad flaked out in their respective tents as soon as they were pitched, with no interest in anything but sleep, after carrying their overweight packs for 18.7miles for more than twelve hours.” Chris

Sheron Vowden (Rixdale Rambler), Maureen Sowerby (Sowerby Streaker), Frances Daysh (Red Roaming on the Moor).

15/08/10, 30/08/10, 16/09/10, 27/09/10, 07/10/10, 13/10/10.

Total mileage 76 miles.

We finished off our journey together with a nice bowl of soup & a cuppa in the Fox Tor Café.

At the end of it all I have a very sore wrist – Tenonitis – from using the walking poles for long periods, I trapped a nerve in my neck & shoulder from carrying a heavier rucksack for so long & completely wrecked my knee – now have an operation booked at Derriford Hospital in a couple of weeks,

Still it was well worth it. Now what can I get up to next.” Maureen

Patrick Cashell (Le Prof), Stephen Car, Angella Collins, Kevin Jenkins, Nick Le’Messurier, Jane Medland, Dick Nicklin, Jean Thomas.

24/07/10, 24/05/10, 19/06/10, 18/09/10, 12/02/11.

“From South Hessary Tor to Bleak Hse. saw one lady in the group falling into a muddy bog & the playing of the game ‘which cow belonged to which farmer? Since after crossing the Walkham we were now in the parish of Peter Tavy.” Patrick

Rob Parsons (Delabole Dingbat), Kai Ross.

04/06/11, 05/06/11, 06/06/11.

“We both loved the challenge – Kai had never really walked much before but has now been converted!! It was also different for me to be on Dartmoor & not to be letterboxing (although we did stumble across a few along the way).

Jane Smith,Sarah Oakley, Simon Weymouth, Plus Meg & Honey the dogs.

11/09/10, 12/09/10, 13/09/10, 15/09/11.

“It was ‘Sods Law’ that the only weekend we could all get together to do the walk corresponded with one of the few weekends in the year that Willsworthy Range was closed for firing. As we stood on the top of Lynch Tor the action on the range was in full swing. It took a bit of convincing by ‘chief navigator’ that we wouldn’t be caught in the fire fight as long as we stayed on the correct side of the range markers. However, the teams confidence in this fact was not helped by the sight of a transmitter aerial crawling through the heather in front of us & another group of squaddies some distance away aiming their guns. It was further pointed out that we were about to walk between the two sets of guns trained on each other! A toss of the coin decided which one of us was going to approach the transmitter bearing squaddie to check we were okay to proceed given that he might not be very amused at his position being ‘compromised’. However he was fine about our intrusion & assured us that they were firing blanks & that as long as we stayed on the correct side of the range markers we should be fine!

Robert Hicks


On reflection I thoroughly enjoyed the journey. It proved an achievable but stiff physical & mental test. I will run the Perambulation again, learn a little more about it & the places I visited, promote it to my running & walking friends, complete with Will, take my family to Dartmeet & plan walks around some of the tors that were new to me. In fact I can't believe it doesn't have a higher profile locally, or even nationally, but maybe the pace & solitude enjoyed on the journey is why it's captured my imagination & enthusiasm.

Nicholas Edwards, Robin Edwards, Jenny Adams, & Louise Treloggin.

1/5/2015, 2/5/2015, 3/5/2015.

"We arrived into the valley of the River Tavy, sun came out for a short while, but so much water we had had to walk a half mile or so upstream to cross".

Jonathan J White (Torbagga)

2/10/2015, 3/10/2015

"It was a great challenge, I don't know how those knights in 1240 made it around in one day on horseback".

Lee Farmer (Rivera Ramblers)

27/8/2017, 28/8/2017, 29/8/2017, 30/8/2017.

I had always wanted to do this walking challenge since my letterboxing in my early twenties.

The challenge was harder than I thought it would be, the terrain & hot weather certainly factored in the difficulty.

The walk was full of interest however it certainly took me to parts of the moor that I hadn't been to before especially the far northern areas.

Carl Sawyer, Maria Sawyer Harry Sawyer & Lucy Sawyer,

31/5/2022, 1/6/2022, 2/6/2022, 3/6/2022.

Fine weather and familiar ground made for a good pace. As we walked off the main paths and stayed as true to route as we could I set the children a challenge, £20 reward for whoever has dry socks at the end of day 4. This should hopefully inspire them to choose a good route through any wet ground and to slow down when crossing rivers! As it turned out, the lack of rain was to work in their favour and not in my wallet’s!

Lucys Memories – I found it very fun. My favourite day was the third day as I loved Tavy Cleave and the river. When we did the walk it was very hot. The Dartmoor Perambulation has inspired me to do more longer walks.