Methods and Tools

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO)

Gradient-Based Aircraft Sizing Framework

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Sarojini, D., Ruh, M. L., Joshy, A. J., Yan, J., Ivanov, A. K., Scotzniovsky, L., ... & Hwang, J. T. (2023). Large-Scale Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of an eVTOL Aircraft using Comprehensive Analysis. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum (p. 0146). [Download from ResearchGate]


SciTech 2023 eVTOL large-scale MDO


Rapid Airframe Design Environment (RADE)

Rapid geometry manipulation of conventional and unconventional aircraft.

API to interface with physics-based solvers

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Sarojini, D., Solano, H. D., Corman, J. A., & Mavris, D. N. (2022). Parametric Wingbox Structural Weight Estimation of the CRM, PEGASUS and Truss-Braced Wing Concepts. In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum (p. 4054). [Download from ResearchGate]


Aviation 2022 CRM, PEGASUS, TBW Weight Estimation

Dynamic Environment for Loads Prediction and Handling Investigation (DELPHI)

6 degrees of freedom flight dynamics simulation tool

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Sarojini, D., Harrison, E., & Mavris, D. N. (2021). Dynamic Environment for Loads Prediction and Handling Investigation (DELPHI). In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum (p. 0326).[Download from ResearchGate]


SciTech 2021 DELPHI; Checked Pitch Manuever; Rudder Kick Maneuver; Roll Maneuver

Model Reduction for Structural Weight Estimation

Beam Models for Aircraft Wingbox Structures

The research involves exploring physics-based model reduction to create a simplified beam model representation of the aircraft wing primary structure. 

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Sarojini, D., & Mavris, D. (2022). Structural Analysis and Optimization of Wings Subjected to Dynamic Loads. AIAA Journal, 60(2), 1013-1023. [Download from ResearchGate]


WCSMO-14 Beam Preconditioning

Multi-Fidelity Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM)

The research applies a recently developed parametric, non-intrusive, and multi-fidelity ROM method on high-dimensional displacement and stress fields arising from structural analysis

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Perron, C., Sarojini, D., Rajaram, D., Corman, J., & Mavris, D. (2022). Manifold alignment-based multi-fidelity reduced-order modeling applied to structural analysis. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65(8), 236. [Download from ResearchGate]



Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

Requirements-Functional-Logical-Physical: RFLP Approach to Integrate MBSE and MDO

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Swaminathan, R., Sarojini, D., & Hwang, J. T. (2023). Integrating MBSE and MDO through an Extended Requirements-Functional-Logical-Physical (RFLP) Framework. In AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum (p. 3908). [Download from ResearchGate]


Aircraft Concept Design RFLP, Wing Rib MBSE

Graph-based Methods for MBSE and MDO

The research direction focuses on treating the MBSE model as a knowledge graph, similar to how MDO models are treated as computational graphs. This approach enables a graph-based link between the two models, leading to the following potential benefits: