Design Studies

Electric Air Taxi Concept System-Level MDO

Funding: NASA University Leadership Initiative (ULI)

Role: Postdoctoral scholar working with PI Dr. John Hwang

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Sarojini, D., Ruh, M. L., Joshy, A. J., Yan, J., Ivanov, A. K., Scotzniovsky, L., ... & Hwang, J. T. (2023). Large-Scale Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of an eVTOL Aircraft using Comprehensive Analysis. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum (p. 0146). [Download from ResearchGate]

Structural Design Space Exploration of PEGASUS and TBW Concepts

Funding: NASA Transformational Tools and Technologies (TTT)

Role: Ph.D. thesis work; collaborator on Ph.D. thesis of David Solano

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Solano, H. D., Sarojini, D., & Mavris, D. N. (2023). Computationally Efficient Analysis and Sizing of the PEGASUS and Truss-Braced Wing Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads. In AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum (p. 3943). [Download from ResearchGate]

Certification-Driven MDO of Aircraft

Role: Collaborator on Ph.D. thesis of Jiacheng Xie

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Xie, J., Sarojini, D., Cai, Y., Corman, J. A., & Mavris, D. N. (2022). Certification-Driven Platform for Multidisciplinary Design Space Exploration in Airframe Preliminary Design. Journal of Aircraft, 59(2), 329-349. [Download from ResearchGate]

Reliability-Based Design of the X-57 Concept

Role: Collaborator on Ph.D. thesis of Mayank Bendarkar

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Bendarkar, M. V., Sarojini, D., & Mavris, D. N. (2022). Off-Nominal Performance and Reliability of Novel Aircraft Concepts During Early Design. Journal of Aircraft, 59(2), 400-414. [Download from ResearchGate]

Conceptual Aero-Structural Design of a Fan Stage under Distorted Flow

Role: Collaborator on Ph.D. thesis of Manish Pokhrel

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Pokhrel, M., Sarojini, D., & Mavris, D. N. (2016). Conceptual aero-structural design of a fan stage under distorted flow. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 09544100231153910. [Download from ResearchGate]