Can we recite any darood except ibrahimi, darood's like which is not mentioned in Qur'an or authentic hadith. I am not taking about salah darood. I mailed the same question to mufti assim ul hakeem and he said it's not permissible. But some of friends still don't believe so thats why.

An innovation (bidat) clearly invented by Muhammad-worshippers of earlier generations, this practice of darood was further promoted and then consolidated by various hadiths, which appear to have mushroomed partly on the basis of an abused, distorted meaning of the following verse:

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Almost an endless number of benefits of reciting darood have been reported in numerous hadiths that must have been gradually fabricated during a period of two to three hundred years after the Prophet and were subsequently transmitted to us through collections including Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Muwatta, Sunan, Ibn Majah, Darmi, Ahmad Bayhaqi and Miskhaat. 17dc91bb1f

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