Dark Red Gums: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Do you have dark red gums? If so, you may be wondering what they mean and how to get rid of them. Dark red gums are not normal and can indicate a serious dental problem that needs immediate attention. In this article, we will explain the possible causes, symptoms, and treatments of dark red gums, and how to prevent them from happening again.

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What Causes Dark Red Gums?

Dark red gums can have different causes, depending on where they appear and how they look. Here are some of the most common causes of dark red gums:

What Are the Symptoms of Dark Red Gums?

Dark red gums can have different symptoms, depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Some of the common symptoms of dark red gums are:

If you have any of these symptoms, you should not ignore them or hope they will go away on their own. Dark red gums can indicate a serious dental problem that can affect your oral and general health. You should see your dentist as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and treatment,

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