DarkLady Revna Bloodaxe

Emerald Hills, Falcon's Moon

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oct 31st 2020
started the game over again! Started with a online tournament for the wetlands!

May 2021 made my first set of masterhood pendants!
Masterhood pendants are thing, its something i love making for others.. If you are interested in a masterhood pendant let me know!

July 2021
I took office for Falcons Moon as Baronial Regent
During my time as a park Regent i've ran 2 park A&S Tourneys, a Bardic, and a mask Challenge

July 17th 2021
then on at the great Deli War befriended the blackwoods with giant chest of water and ice!
I was apprentice by then Master Art. My title was Dragon at Arms

Dec 2021
I was selected as Guildmaster for adornments by Regent Duke Rorek

Jan 1st 2022
Warden Art's Squire ( the very first Squire of 2022 by the very first Knight recognized in 2022.)

Jan 23rd, 2022
awarded the title of Lady (Dark).

March 2022
Emerald Hills MR 68
Created multiple versions of Horde swag, for 107 people co-autocrat one of our first big post covid events in Wister, Oklahoma

June 2022
End Reign Coronation,created various Moogle swag for the first 137 people
Belted Sorcha SpineSnapper as my page!
Wizard Guildmaster
Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Regent

Current Plans
while my reign will focus on in person demos and classes, i also have an assortment of online opportunities for Arts and Sciences that are opened for all.

other current plans Regional kingdom A&S days, Online Bardics, Food competitions,! goals for 2023, Get Lawton/Fort Sill, Oklahoma park up and going, the name i'm hoping for ( i need people) is Powder Keg Keep, we got the BOOMS!

A Master Garber Pendant

Crown and Rose Masters

Alona’s Dragon Mastery Pendants

Dragon Tourney Scroll

Amulet of Force

Rose Scroll

FalconMoon: Winner Scroll

Poem for the King

Champion diamondplains

Top Contender diamondplains

revna May Amtgard CHOPPED!

garber scroll

shroudstar coronet