7 Days to Die
Nova is a Medium difficulty PvE server, and is ideal for players who like a good challenge but maybe not quite as hardcore as the game can be. Horde nights are every 7 days, and the server features 200% loot abundance and 2 times XP. CSMM console is used on this server, allowing for players to use a variety of teleports including /home.. This server contains reset zones, where portions of cities will reset weekly and provide fresh access to buildings for looting. Killing of other players and base raiding is NOT permitted on this server.
Our Events server is run periodically for public events and requires a password to enter, and features a variety of fun experiences such as Zombie Mining (competitively mine as much as you can out of a room without getting killed), Raceway (a nerve-wracking racetrack done on motorcycles), Smash Up (Demolition derby with zombies), Leaving the Undermine (an intense and massive underground Escape Room), and Minotaur's Labyrinth (a crazy maze that you may not live through). Events are listed in the website Calendar and will be posted on our Discord in the 7 Days to Die Event Announcements channel.